Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Agriculture Industry Linkages in the Economy of Jammu and Kashmir Essay

Agriculture plays an important role in contributing to socio-economic development in many countries. It is the primary source for employment, livelihood, and food security for the majority of rural people. The success of this continuation depends largely on the direct impact it has on the national economy as well as how the agricultural sector stimulates the growth of other sectors in the economy. Consequently, understanding the role of agriculture and its linkages to the rest of the economy is important. The inter-relationship between agriculture and industry has been a long debated issue in the development literature. In the Indian context the issue has acquired interest since industrial stagnation in the mid 1960s. Over the years the Indian economy has undergone a structural change in its sectoral composition: from a primary agro-based economy during the 1970s, the economy has emerged as predominant in industry. This has triggered an interest in readdressing the analytical and methodological aspects of the interlinkages between the two sectors the service sector since the 1990s. This structural changes and the uneven pattern of growth of agriculture, industry and service sector economy in the post reforms period is likely to appear substantial changes in the production and demand linkages among various the economy. At the same time the growing integration with the rest of the world in the post-reform period (post 1991 period) and the recent spurt of service sector led growth are also likely to have significant impact on the linkages between the agriculture and industry. This has triggered an interest in read dressing the analytical and methodological aspects of the interlinkages between the two sectors. That agriculture and industry being integral component of development process due to their mutual interdependence and symbiotic relationship, the contribution of agriculture to the economy in general and to industry in particular is well known in almost all the developing countries. However, the degree of interdependence may vary and also change over time. In the theory and empirical literature, the inter-relationship between agriculture and industry has been discussed from different channels. First, agriculture supplies food grains to industry to facilitate absorption of labour in the industry sector. Secondly, agriculture supplies the inputs like raw cotton, jute, tea, coffee etc. needed by the agro-based industries. Thirdly, industry supplies industrial inputs, such as fertilizer, pesticides, machinery etc. to the agriculture sector. Fourthly, agriculture influences the output of industrial consumer goods through demand. Fifthly, agriculture generates surpluses of savings, which can be mobilized for investment in industry, and other sectors of the economy. Sixthly, fluctuations in agricultural production may affect private corporate investment decisions through the impact of the terms of trade on profitability, whereas some of these channels emphasize the â€Å"agriculture-industry‟ linkage on the supply side or production side, others stress the linkages through the demand side. The production linkages basically arise from the interdependence of the sectors for meeting the needs of their productive inputs, whereas the demand linkage arises from the interdependence of the sectors for meeting final consumption. Further, the linkages between the two sectors can also be categorized into two groups based on the direction of interdependence. One is the backward linkage, which identifies how a sector depends on others for their input supplies and the other is the forward linkage, which identifies how the sector distributes its outputs to the remaining economy. More importantly, these two linkages can indicate a sector’s economic pull and push, because the direction and level of such linkages present the potential capacity of each sector to stimulate other sectors and then reflect the role of this sector accordingly. As far as Jammu and Kashmir is concerned Agriculture is the predominant sector of the economy. Directly and indirectly, it supports about 80 per cent of the population besides contributing nearly 60 per cent of the state revenue, which adequately explains the over-dependency of the population on agriculture. The overall economic growth of the state depends largely on the progress of the agricultural sector, the development of which becomes even more important in the context of the very nominal progress it has made in the secondary sectors. With the introduction of planned development in the state during 1951-56, production of foodgrains and fruits has increased considerably. During 1998-99, the state produced 15.50 lakh quintals of food grains against 4.53 lakh quintal in 1950-51. Of this, Kashmir region contributed 27.20 per cent, Jammu region 72.14 per cent and Ladakh and Kargil region 0.66 per cent Industries play a vital role in the development of an economy. In this regard unfortunately, J&K has not been able to attract investments in industries and remained as an industrially backward state. The state does not have a strong industrial base, because geographical location of the state is such that the setting up of large industries with a large Capital base is not feasible, besides adverse environmental consequences. Nevertheless, many small and medium-scale industries have come up basically in the traditional sectors along with areas like food processing, agro-based units and metallic and non metallic products. Thus in such an sectoral environment were industrial sector has low opportunity, Agriculture provide basic linkages in its development . Thus the state of Jammu and Kashmir were main source of income is agriculture for masses of people, the linkages between Agriculture and Industry is very important to study in order to know the potential of Agriculture to develop an industrial environment in the state. In mean while it is important to study the dependence of agriculture on industry, so that both sectors will flourish the development in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. The macroeconomic linkage between the agricultural sector and industrial growth has been one of the most widely investigated in the development literature. In the early stages, researchers paid great attention in studying the relationship between the agricultural and industrial sectors, and how these sectors were inter-related. They argued that agriculture only plays a passive role; which is to be the most important source of resources (food, fiber, and raw material) for the development of industry and other nonagricultural sectors (Rosenstein-Rodan, 1943; Lewis, 1954; Ranis and Fei, 1961). Many of these analysts highlighted agriculture for its resource abundance, and its ability to transfer surpluses to the more important industrial sector. India being a predominantly agrarian economy and an agro-based industrial structure, the interrelationship between agriculture and industry has been one of the major issues for the researchers and policy makers since the beginning of the planning period. In the pre and early post-independence period, the industry sector had a close relationship with agriculture due to the agro-based industrial structure (Satyasai and Baidyanathan, 1997). Satyasai and Viswanathan (1999) found that the output elasticity of industry with respect to agriculture was 0.13 during 1950-51 to 1965-66. Rangarajan (1982) has found that a 1.0 percent growth in agricultural production increases industrial production by 0.5 percent, and thus, GDP by 0.7 percent during 1961-1972. However, the industrial sector witnessed a slow growth, stagnation since the mid 1960s, which was largely attributed to the stunnedagricultural growth and favourable agricultural TOT, among other factors (Patnaik, 1972; Nayyar, 1978 and Bhatla, 2003).10 In fact the interdependence between the two sectors has found to be weakened during the 1980s and 1990s (Bhattacharya and Mitra, 1989; Satyasai and Viswanathan, 1997). For instance, Bhattacharya and Rao (1986) have found that the partial output elasticity of industry with respect to agriculture has declined from 0.15 during 1951/52 – 1965/66 to 0.03 during 1966/67-1983/84. Contradictorily, Satyasai and Viswanathan (1999) found that the output elasticity of industry with respect to agriculture has increased from 0.13 during 1950/51-1965/66 to 0.18 during 1966/67–1983/84, and then remained at the same level 0.18 during 1984/85-1996/97. The deteriorating linkages between agriculture and industry have been primarily credited to the deficiency in demand for agricultural products, decline in share of agro-based industries coupled with slow employment growth (Rangarajan, 1982; Bhattacharya and Rao, 1986; and Chowdhury and Chowdhury, 1995). Sastry et al. (2003), for the period 1981-82 to 1999-2000, found that the forward production linkage between agriculture and industry has declined, whereas backward production linkage has increased. They also found significant impact of agricultural output on industrial output, and that agriculture’s demand linkage to industry has declined, while that of from industry to agriculture has increased. Economic and Political Weekly August 26, 1989 1963 wean agriculture and merely the set of industrial consumption goods like clothing, footwear, sugar and edible oils, it may be concluded that the overall intersectoral linkages appear quite modest. The early writers, for example Rosestein-Rodan (1943), Lewis (1954), Scitovosky (1954), Hirchman (1958), Jorgeson (1961), Fei and Ranis (1961) and others emphasized the role of agriculture only as a primary supplier of wage goods and raw materials and abundant labour supply to industry (Johnston and Mellor, 1961 and Vogel, 1994). The role of agriculture in the transformation of a developing economy was seen as ancillary to the central strategy of accelerating the pace of industrialization (Vogel, 1994). Kalecki (1976) also pointed out the importance of investment and technological advances in agriculture for the rapid development of industry. The traditional literature on inter-sectoral linkages in the growth process generally emphasises the role of agriculture as a primary supplier of wage goods and raw materials to industry (supply-linkage on the one hand and as a provider of major output for in- dustrial goods (demand linkage) on the other [Johnston and Mellor, 1961 and tertiary sector in a modern economy. Further, it may be noted that with growing mechanization of agriculture it becomes dependent on industry for basic inputs, like, fertiliser, power, pesticides, etc. Incidentally the agriculture-industry relationship becomes more complicated in this process. A slow growth of net availability of food- grains or alternatively the movement of inter-sectoral terms of trade in favor of the agricultural sector is believed to cause deceleration of the industrial sector. However, empirically speaking there was no slow down in the growth of production of food- grains after the mid-sixties [Ahluwalia: 1985]. Nor was there any fall in the marketed surplus of agriculture [rhamarajakshi: 1977] so as to be related to the industrial decelera- tion. But, so far as the agriculture vis-à  -vis industry terms of trade is concerned, one en- counters a series of mixed evidence. Whe Thamarajakshi [1977], and Mitra [1977] visualised a favouralJe terms of trade for the agricultural sector during the mid-sixties andearly seventies, Khalon and lyagi [1983] obtained evidence that stand quite contrary to others’ view. Mundle [1977], however main- tains that in terms of intersectoral resource flow-of which terms of trade is just a single component-the industrial sector has been undergoing loss since the mid-sixties. Prior to that it was agriculture which was experiencing an outflow of resources. Rangarajan [1982a] in his macro econometric model makes an attempt to capture the demand linkage between agriculture and industry. He identifies a positive impact that agricultural output has on the demand for industrial consumption goods. The effect of foodgrain terms of trade on industrial products has been negative but elasticity is negligible. Both agricultural output and terms of trade had a positive influence on household saving and investment. Keeping in view such segmented impact of agriculture on industry zplaining the behaviour of indugtrial produc- tion purely in terms of agricultural performance .Bhattacharya and Rao [1986] emphasisesthe sluggishness that continued in the per-formance of industry even after the relative relaxation of the wage goods constraint that occurred during the green revolution period. Thus, the theoretical literature in the â€Å"agriculture-industry linkages † has broadly highlighted the place of agriculture and non-agriculture sector, especially industry in the development process and contribution of each in augmenting growth of output and employment. Most of the theoretical literature has largely focused only on one side of the â€Å"agriculture-industry linkages ’’ i.e. either the supply side linkages or demand side linkages. However it is both the demand side and supply side linkages that work together in an inter-sectoral framework, which determines the interlinkages between the two sectors. In this respect Bhaduri (2003) and Bhaduri (2007) are two important contributions in the literature. Bhaduri (2003) extends Kaldor’s model by considering the role of the agricultural surplus from the supply side as well as the importance of the demand side effect for industrial goods. In this set up, both the sectors grow in tandem, reinforcing and reinvigorating each other’s growth impulse, by resolving each other’s potential realization problem (Jha, 2010). Further, Bhaduri et al. (2007) have extended the Kaldor’s model by contrasting between the supply side and demand side linkages of the two sectors from the TOT point of view. Thus there has been lot of researches, publication and models on the topic â€Å"Agriculture industry linkages in the economy† given by many renowned economists, and peoples associated with this field. Everyone concluded that there is an unlimited linkage between two sectors which not only develop one other but also give birth to other sectors as well. Thus to conclude it can be said that in an economy mostly there is a l arge number of linkages originated from a primary level and put economy to those sectors which keep it in the level of developed ones.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Day She Left Me Home Alone

The day she left me home alone. Realizing when ones childhood is beginning to fade is not an event that can be targeted at an exact time in an individual’s life. Childhood begins to vanish differently for people based on culture, age, and life experiences. My childhood started to end when I was 7 years old; the day she left me home alone. My mother had just become a single mother running from an abusive relationship with my father and had to begin life anew.My strong dependency on my mother and the illusion of being an only child, due to me being the youngest of several older brothers and sisters, made the thought of â€Å"growing up† a nightmare. Realization of my soon approaching adulthood became evident, as I had to face the difficulties of being distant from my mother, learning to connect socially with peers, taking on more self-responsibility, and the building of self-confidence. These trials and tribulations would help to lead me to a higher level of maturity and a true realization of life.Although what I endured forcefully was difficult, the most challenging would be my distancing from my mother the security that linked me to my youth. Severing the bond between a mother and child is a tough task at any given stage of life. This was especially difficult for my mother as I was her only girl and youngest child. Being a single mother and working two jobs created excessive hardship for my mother. Her constant struggle with taking me to her place of work left her with no other choice than to leave me at home.This was the first time that I had to truly cope with being away from her and it was an immense strain on my emotional state. My next challenge ensued when I had to begin spending time with my father. Several years after my parent’s separation my father later remarried became a new man, giving the judicial system the opinion that I should see my father more often. My pursuit into the new world known as my father’s house, otherwi se known to me as â€Å"hell†, forced me to spend countless weekends and summers with my new family, my step siblings and step mother.This unfamiliar change was the cause of my strong desire to remain sheltered beneath my mother’s wing but instead nature would drive me towards a more self-reliant road. Be that as it may, I would not change overnight. I still struggled to be away from my mother when it came time for school. Most children struggle with the concept of going to school. Leaving ones comfort zone and journeying into a strange new territory is of great significance in an individual’s life. Most children learn to adapt with in the first year or so. I however, was the exception to the rule.Attending public education was an adjustment of epic proportions in my young life. I struggled with the issue for several years. Every year school started I wished to be expunged from existence. My problem was not with the other children; I worked well with others. Rat her my issue was with the thought of being away from my mother. Although I got along smashingly with the other children, I did not converse very much. My close relationship with my mother led me to believe she and only she was someone I could truly convey my ideas with.I also did not speak with others because their tales of their lives at home seemed somewhat abnormal to me. Tales of brothers and sisters, close families and a home consisting of a mother and a father seemed unusual. Although I had brothers and sisters, we were distant. I knew of my father, but he and my mother did not live under the same roof. Another issue I had to face was my abnormal mother. What made her abnormal was the fact that she was a single, hard working mother. This indifference from my peers and societies opinions gave me the impression that I was an outcast.Eventually I would come to realize that I was not the only person in the world under such circumstances. Learning to open up to others caused me to realize that I wasn’t alone. Interacting with other children like myself helped me to be more social and gain greater connections with my peers. I then had the ability to deal with others, but still lacked in dealing with myself. Responsibility is an inherited trait. It is not cast upon an individual in one particular place or time. At certain stages of life, responsibility starts to become more important and has a greater affect on a person’s growth and development.From the time I could talk, my mom began teaching me the importance of responsibility. Nevertheless, my first true test came when I was left alone at home. While my mother was away, she entrusted me with the task of preparing my own food. Learning to cook for myself gave me more confidence and helped me to be less dependent on my mother. As my mother became aware of my newly responsible personality, she decided to entrust me with greater responsibilities. After moving, my mother did not want to switch me fr om the school I was attending so I remained there until the end of that school year.In the beginning, she rode the public bus and walked down the neighborhood to get me. After noticing that I could reside at home alone and care for myself my mother decided that I could handle walking down the neighborhood to meet her at the bus. Being with my peers was hard, dealing with my stepsiblings was an ordeal, and being at home alone was unimaginable. Nonetheless, the most unbearable of them all was walking alone; surrounded by strangers and an unfamiliar environment made me uneasy.Eventually, I came to realize that it was a part of life, part of being responsible and that I was growing up. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I was finally learning to deal with my several issues. The responsibilities laid upon me helped me to be more understanding of life and the ways of the world. My self-dependence began to grow as well as my self-confidence. Growing out of childhood and into adulthood does no t instantly occur; many people experience several events that transpire before they reach adulthood.In spite of that, there are always significant moments that have to pin point the beginning of one’s journey. For me this consisted of being left to fend for myself at home, learning to adapt socially with individuals amongst me and beginning to deal with real life responsibilities. These several adversities strengthened my confidence, stability, and self-reliance, as well as my outlook on the world and others. My childhood and my attachment to my mother where far from severed relatively the experience had opened to door to a new path of life, helping me to grow further from my old mind frame.

Personal Ethics Statement

My Personal Ethics Statement My personal ethics have been formed through family influence, religious beliefs, life experiences, my internal reflection and the culture in which I was raised. Family instilled a strong work ethic in me as a child. My parents never missed a day of work. I was taught that if you want something, you must work for it. According to my ethical lens inventory, this supports my classical value of temperance. I seek to satisfy my duties. My strong desire to succeed and lead a fruitful life also comes from the influence of my family.It is important to me to be a good role model for my husband and my children. Actions speak much louder than words ever can. My key phrase according to the ethical lends inventory is, â€Å"I am responsible. † I am guided by my religious beliefs. I try to live by the Golden Rule when dealing with others. It is important to me to do the right thing even if it is not the popular thing. My definition of ethical behavior is fulfill ing duties while balancing fairness. I believe that we should all practice religious tolerance. Each person was created uniquely and therefore each person should be able to worship in his or her own way.My ethical blind spot according to the ethical lens is that I tend to believe that motive justifies method. I trust that each person should be ethical and that ethics are a set of universal rules that we should all be held to. Life experiences have been a big influence in forming my ethics. Setting a good example is one of the most important values you can have. A person is only as good as their word. My ethical lens inventory states that my gift is self-knowledge. I follow through with my duties when I make a commitment. When faced with a challenge you should always do your best.Trying and failing is better than never trying. Because of this sense of duty, I tend to come across as bossy, which is my ethical lens risk. Internal reflection has helped me to develop my personal ethics. I have learned to rely on my gut feelings when faced with a difficult situation. If something feels wrong, there is a strong possibility it is. My ethical lens states that in order for me to see clearly I should listen to my heart. Making hasty decisions does not tend to serve me well. Thinking about my decisions with regard to how the outcome will affect others is important to me.I use reason to analyze problems according to my ethical lens inventory. I have been raised in the culture of Southern hospitality. In the South, manners are taught and expected. I find that I assume that others will mind their manners and I am offended if they choose not to do so. It makes sense that my ethical lens vice is becoming judgmental and legalistic. The female nature is to be the caregiver and nurturer of the family. I fall into this behavior and try to meet the needs of others before I take care of myself.My crisis, according to the ethical lens inventory, is becoming exhausted. My ethics have been formed over a lifetime of experiences. Because of these experiences and my personal beliefs, I use my rationality to decide what my duties are. I believe that each individual is independently responsible for their own morals. This corresponds with my personal preferred lens which is rights and responsibility. When faced with adversity, I use my practical nature to determine the best course of action. I want to ensure I have examined all angles and outcomes prior to making a decision. Personal Ethics Statement Personal Ethics Statement Jessica Dockery GEN/195 February 28, 2012 Jennifer Meunier Personal Ethics Statement To be ethical means to do the right thing and to be the best person one knows how without being judgmental of others, especially if their intentions are honorable. One should get in the habit of displaying good values and morals at all times. When thinking of a personal ethics statement, the Ten Commandments come to mind.The Ten Commandments state that thou shall have no other gods, no graven images or likenesses, not take the Lord’s name in vain, remember the Sabbath day, honor thy father and thy mother, thou shall not kill, thou shall not commit adultery, thou shall not steal, thou shall not bear false witness, and thou shall not covet. These things were taught and practiced even in the bible days and have been passed on from generation to generation. Although these commandments are not taken into consideration at all times, it is known that this is the way one shou ld try living their life daily.The ethics game helped to determine the level of morals, values, and standards a person has. It also explained how one might deal or reason in certain situations. After completing the ethical lens inventory, no ethical lens was determined. This means that the preferred lens was neither periscope nor paralysis. A person that is neither periscope nor paralysis sees the gifts and weaknesses of both and is able to adapt to different situations and get the best results possible. This type of person is non judgmental and considers all things before coming to a conclusion.According to the ethical lens inventory, autonomy and equality are valued equally. Their belief is that everyone has a valid point. No blind spot was determined. The maturity of this person sees both strengths and weaknesses and is able to bring together the four core values of autonomy, equality, rationality, and sensibility. There is a downside to being able to see everyone’s perspe ctive. This may cause confusion with one’s self. Listen to the heart, do not ignore the head, and act with confidence. Exhibiting good personal ethics is something one may want to make habit of.People are often put in situations where those morals and values must come in to play. No one wants to be a called a snitch, but sometimes one must put personal feelings aside. If a person is working alongside another coworker, and they see this coworker pocketing money from the register, the ethical thing to do would be to report this to higher management. This person is obviously untrustworthy and bad news. Everyone has a personal responsibility to ensure the safety and upkeep of their community, work environment, and school. Personal ethics, simply put, means to do the right thing.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Maintain the Profitability of the Cinema Term Paper

Maintain the Profitability of the Cinema - Term Paper Example A cinema manager requires a much-diversified personality to handle the programs of the cinema, customers, and employees of the company. Along with his set of responsibilities, the cinema manager requires to conduct marketing so that more people visit the place.   He also requires handling budget affairs to ensure that the highest quality of the film is depicted along with its availability and the response it is getting from the audience. (Kleynhans, 2006)The role and responsibility of the passionate candidate will be as follows; The manager requires, being able to lead all the operations of the cinema. He is required to plan, develop and initiate such programs through which the cinema can advertise movies. He should also be required to recruit and train the staff which is under his control and also manages shifts and payment of the staff. The budget of the cinema is also in its control. The manager also needs to ensure that all the staff pertaining in the company are met with health and safety regulations in the venue, and there are facilities provided to the staff if they are inhibiting any issues (Kleynhans, 2006). The cinema manager requires being able to have collaboration with the different representatives in the community to promote films in the local society. He should be aware of the upcoming movies, the demand of the audience people in general. Through these collaborations with the audience and community, the cinema manager can ensure that people get the opportunity to view the movies which are in demand and a target can also be set by these people to watch a particular movie every month or year (Cooper, Ivan, & Tinline, 2003). The cinema manager requires promoting films through events at the cinema. This can be done by hosting the films at the cinema, especially introducing film premiers and other film festivals that will be able to promote films (Edenborough, 2007). It is the responsibility of the cinema manager to deal with the inquiries of the audience or the press relating cinema. The manager should be able to solve any issues or complaints regarding an attribute of the screening.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business information system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business information system - Essay Example In this paper we will discuss different aspects of data warehouse. This section will explain four main characteristics of data warehouse. These characteristics give a more clear view of data warehouse. First characteristic of data warehouse is â€Å"Subject Oriented† (Kimball & Ralph 2002), It means data warehouse should be built for a specific subject or domain. It also means that Data that provides information about the concerning topic/ subject instead of organizations ongoing processes. Second characteristic is â€Å"integrated† nature of data warehouse. It Means data that is gathered from different sources are integrated into a single structure. Third characteristic is â€Å"Time-variant†: It means all data that is stored in the data warehouse is recognized with a specific time period. Forth and last characteristic is â€Å"Non-volatile† nature of data warehouse. Data is never deleted from data warehouse. But when it exceeds from a certain level, it is archived and stored at differ places (Kimball & Ralph 2002). There is a question about data warehouse: When data warehouse has data in terabits, then how it can handle such amount of data? The answer is: data warehouse uses parallelism approach to handle such amount of data. By this approach data is divided into small parts and parallel unit of data warehouse store retrieve and process them individually (Inmon 1995). Architecture of data warehouse consists of different logical layers (Inmon 1995). First layer is input or source layer, then processing layer, out put layer, decision support layer, etc. At source layer we have our data sources; these can be data bases, legacy system or data from web. After extracting this data from the source a process of transformation is applied on it to bring it into coherent format. Because data can be extracted from any type of sources, it contains

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Portrait of Leonilla Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn Assignment - 1

Portrait of Leonilla Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn - Assignment Example In 1841, he was summoned by Queen Victoria to the English court. After painting Queen Victoria in 1842, he returned several times to paint the expansive royal family doing at least 120 works, including a painting commissioned by the Queen which would be given to Prince Albert as a birthday present. Winterhalter painted most of Europe’s royalty (Belgium, France, and England) and the leading aristocracy. His artistic pieces became widely regarded through copies and reproductions.1 Winterhalter did not receive high praise from serious critics. However, his portraits were admired for their sensual nature. His fame among the royals and aristocratic clients was as a result of his ability to create a painting that his clients wanted to display. In 1843, Winterhalter was commissioned to paint Princess Leonilla’s portrait. The Russian-born Princess Leonilla (1816-1918), one of Winterhalter’s royal clients’ was married to Prince Ludwig Aldof Friedrich, the same year she was painted. In 1833, she sat for Winterhalter for an oval portrait that featured her shadowed face, contrasting dark hair and opaline skin, and magnificent pearls. He also painted her again in 1849.2 However, it is the Portrait of Leonilla, Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn that overshadows all her paintings. Winterhalter uses an art style known as Romanticism, in which he ‘humanizes’ his clients, by painting with a more objective view of his subject’s features and bringing out their unique beauty.3 In a daring pose, similar to the scenes of harem and odalisques, the portrait lies on a low sofa set on a balcony overlooking lush tropical scenery. Her unassailable social strata made it possible for Winterhalter to utilize such a carnal pose for a large portrait. Recognized for her glowing beauty and intellect, Leonilla is resplendent in a frill dress of ivory silk with a pink sash on her midriff. A deep purple veil folds

Friday, July 26, 2019

Radio Broadcast and the FM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Radio Broadcast and the FM - Essay Example The information was now made available at distances ranging from hundreds of kilometers without the transfer of any physical thing and also the same data was available to a large population at the same time. This technology also paved a whole new way of entertainment and music and the business associated to these industries. The technology associated to the radio was initially developed for the purpose of transmitting messages in coded format and the same can be termed as wireless telegraphy and found its usage in maritime and sea navigation and for defense purpose with messages being sent in Morse code format. Later it was found that the technology could also transmit human voice. With the discovery of modulation technology, the terms like AM and SW started making rounds and the whole new world of electronic media came into existence. A very simple step that began on December 16, 1907 with the broadcasting of a song by singer Eugenia H. Farrar from the Brooklyn Navy Yard has been the reason behind the very success of today's electronic media. It was Lee De Forest who had facilitated the broadcasting of song on a radio (FCC, 2005). ... The College radio became very popular among audiences in San Jose. In 1917, with the beginning of World War I with all resources being used for public broadcasting were diverted for defense use and public broadcasting saw a long halt. The radio transmission came under the purview of Navy and the two way telephony was given the importance. But things are actually going to begin rather than facing an abrupt end. The licensed radio broadcasting came into existence with Frank Conrad's company Westinghouse obtained the first commercial radio license and launched KDKA in November, 1920 (Adams, 2003). KDKA broadcasted the election results and the sold radios to the home users. Peace time usage of the broadcasting technology had arrived to make its first broad presence. The success of KDKA The KDKA era led to something which can be termed as the golden period of Radio based broadcasting services. May be for the first time in the history, the public was showing more interest to the product than the producers and this public sentiment gets visible with the unprecedented growth in the demand of radio receiving equipments and at the same time the Westinghouse Organization had to work for opening up other broadcasting stations. The company installed the most powerful broadcasting transmitter known as WSJ on the roof of its plant at Newark, N. J. and the same building roofed the studio (White, 2007). The studio was designed in such a way that it was sound proof equipped with several musical instruments. The studio was meant for artists basically single and players and speakers and news readers. The WSJ used to serve a region within a radius of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Narrative - Essay Example Together with teammates, Bolt recorded the world record for the 4x100m relay. Bolt is the current Olympic champion for the three sporting events; 100m, 200m, and 4x100m relay. In the 2012 London Olympics, Bolt won the 100m gold medal at 9.63 seconds. He thus set a new 100m Olympic record, and also defended the gold medal that he received during the Beijing Summer Olympics in 2008. The 2012 Summer Olympics was an international sporting event that illustrates the Olympics Games tradition. The Olympics Games are organized and managed by International Olympics Committee (IOC). The sporting event occurred in London, the United Kingdom. The 2012 Summer Olympics were conducted between July 25, 2012 and August 12, 2012. Approximately 10,000 athletes participated in the event, from 204 National Olympic Committees. The main broadcaster for the event was the Olympics Broadcasting Services. During the event Usain Bolt proved his position as the historically greatest sprinter, because of the effective retention of the 100m gold title (Rosner & Shropshire 454). Bolt’s win in the 2012 was very memorable due to various reasons. The win occurred during the weekend that Jamaica celebrated the 50th Independence anniversary. The 9.63 gold medal win created a celebratory mood in Jamaica because it illustrated the shortest athletic competition in the history of the Olympics Games. The two main noticeable athletes in the competition were; Usain Bolt and his fellow countryman Yohan Blake. The Jamaicans are very fierce competitors in the racing track, but Bolt emerged as the best by winning gold. Bolt accomplished another feat by retaining the 100m Olympic gold title. The athletic effectiveness of Bolt was doubted by many people, because of a season that had cases of defeat and injury. During the 2012 Olympics he performed the second fastest time ever, and thus defeated Yohan Blake and Justin

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Two Party System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Two Party System - Essay Example The two-party system in American politics has created both opportunities and constraints. The two party system creates a number of opportunities. First, the two party system in America is among the most stable political systems in the world. Under the two-party system, the United States has been peaceful and politically stable as opposed to countries with the multi-party system. Secondly, the system is simple and easy for the voters to select their leaders. Voters in the United States only require following the manifestos and strategies of the two parties and choose their leaders under the two parties. The two- party system creates simplicity in understanding, following and voting leaders for the two parties (Janda et al. 23). However, the two party system being exercised in the U.S. creates more constraints than opportunities. For instance, the two party system limits the choice and options of the American voters in the process of selecting their leaders. Unlike in the multiparty system, voters in the two party system are restricted to choose or vote their leaders from only two parties. For this reason, other potential leaders who may be more efficient and appropriate than the selected ones lack opportunity to be selected in the general elections. Secondly, the system is slowly killing democracy in the U.S. People in America are guided by the opinions and decisions made by leaders from either Republic or Democratic parties. The limitation of opinions, options, and decisions leads to marginalization of some people. The system has led to poor governance and lack of accountability among the elected leaders. Although leaders are found to be unaccountable of public finances, their political parties support th em, thus increasing the level of corruption and unaccountability in the U.S (Janda et al. 23). The founding of the American politics had various perceptions of political parties. For

Emergency Procedures in a Suspected Plant Assignment

Emergency Procedures in a Suspected Plant - Assignment Example This is just precautionary regardless of whether the spill has taken place or not. After this individual with the requisite knowledge of the chemicals involved in the plant can the go into the plant and perform chemical tests on the physical elements in the factory, this may be air and any fluids or solids in the area. These tests should then point out whether there has been a spill in the plant or not. It is seen clearly that in the event of a spill most definitely hazardous materials will be involved. In this connection, there have to be ways of safeguarding the individuals who will be responding to the spill. These are the first responders and the other subsequent responders. This will involve the use of spill kits which in most cases contain a variety of contents that will be used. Some of these include various kinds of chemical absorbents such as universal spill absorbent, bromine neutralizer among others. Others components include neoprene gloves, goggles, vinyl boots and corrosive aprons among others. There are various ways through which diseases can be transmitted. These are the infectious diseases which can be transmitted from one person to another or alternatively from an animal to a human being. The responders should recognize the various ways through which the diseases can be transmitted and come up with ways that they can protect themselves. Examples of such ways include secluding the affected areas, putting on protective gear and also putting the affected individuals on quarantine. These will go a long way in trying to curb the diseases from spreading or infecting them. In the handling of the diseases, there are a number of tools and equipment that the responders can use to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. The most important among these is the respirator. This is especially used if the disease being handled is transmitted through the air. Diseases that are transmitted through fluids can best be prevented from  spreading if the liquid testing equipment is used.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 7

Assignment Example The trends observed in 2010 was comparable to those observed in 1980s (Martin et al 1). These changes in fertility rates are caused by fertility rates among women of different ages, population groups and geographical regions. Trends of the fertility rates are affected by the changes of fertility rates within individual groups of the American population. Also, the rates change within some age groups and consequently affect the total fertility rate. For instance, there was an increase of the fertility rates among women in their twenties. A great decrease in the rate of birth among teenager women is notable, this decrease was negligible compared to the increase of fertility rates among older women. The trends of fertility rates are influenced by the lifestyles among women (Martin et al 17). Good medical care and diet lead to increased medical care while increased alcohol consumption and smoking of tobacco decrease fertility rate. This was ascertained in the trends of the trends recorded in 1999 and 2000. The increase in fertility rates was due to decreased alcohol consumption and smoking of tobacco among pregnant women. A fertility rate of about 2,100 births per 1,000 women is considered sufficient for a generation to replace itself. In 2006 and 2007, fertility rates were above this rate but it has been below this figure. Most of groups within the American population do not meet this rate while some of them meet. The AIAN, non-Hispanic white and non-Hispanic black fertility rates are mostly below replacement but those for Mexican and other Hispanic are mostly higher (Martin et al 38). The ratio of total live births to the population in totality in a specified community or an area over a specified time is referred to as birth rate. This ratio is mostly an expression of the number of given live births per 1,000 of the total population per year Total fertility rate

Monday, July 22, 2019

Touch of Evil Essay Example for Free

Touch of Evil Essay Touch of Evil (Orson Welles, 1958) attempted to lift the stylish low-budget crime drama form with quality directing, writing, acting, cinematography, soundtrack, and locations, while maintaining the authentic film-noir motif. One of the key elements of film-noir was steamy sexuality, and Touch of Evil exploited this genre feature enthusiastically with lurid and seductive characterizations and scenes of tawdry sexual tension. Touch of Evil takes place in a border town between the USA and Mexico, representing the thin line separating two different cultures and realities. The lead character finds himself in a dilemma when a murder takes just as he and his bride cross the border. He struggles to deal with local officials without ruining his honeymoon, but events conspire against him. The local Sheriff is dishonest, his wife is kidnapped by his enemies, and his murder investigation takes him into an underworld of human misery, corruption, and sleaze. In 1958, interracial relationships were socially unacceptable, perhaps even forbidden in certain sections of America. Hollywood generally avoided the subject until the controversial Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (1967, Stanley Kramer), almost a decade later. So when Touch of Evil’s opening scene presents a Hispanic man and a Caucasian women, a newly wed couple, it purposely introduces an element designed to produce audience anxiety. When Orson Welles’ character, Sheriff Quinlan, realizes that the characters portrayed by Charleton Heston as Miguel Vargas, a virile Mexican, and Janet Leigh as Suszie, a sexy American, are a honeymooning husband and wife, he snidely comments, â€Å"She dont look Mexican†¦.† Earlier, the Mexican border guards addressed the same issue with similar disdain. These scenes establish interraciality as a socially unaccepted custom in the film’s universe and focuses the audience’s attention and expectation of danger on the issue. The plot soon fulfills the expectation. Vargas, an honest and incorruptible police official, tries to help the local police solve a murder that he and Suzie witnessed as they crossed the border into Mexico in the open scene. In one scene of high sexual tension – and fantasy – Suzie, in seductive lingerie, in the privacy of her hotel room, has phone sex with her husband who has called her from a pay phone. A blind man, adding a titillating voyeurism to the scene overhears the conversation. Matters are complicated when Suzie is kidnapped by criminals with a grudge against Vargas, and Vargas’ dedication to his prosecurial duty and concern for his wife leave him with a dilemma of two separate crises both demanding him to take action. The stakes rise when Vargas becomes convinced that the local sheriff (Welles’ Quinlan) is corrupt and is framing an innocent man. Vargas tries several times to rescue Suzie, which fail and serve to incite the kidnappers to threaten Suzie with sexual degradation, and ultimately places her in even greater danger of being murdered. The result of these events on top of the smoldering relationship between the main characters is a story that produces a story environment of smoldering sexuality that produces scenes rife with sexual anxiety. Sources consulted: â€Å"Touch of Evil† retreived Oct. 16, 2007 Ebert, Roger. Review of â€Å"Touch of Evil† September 13, 1998

Sunday, July 21, 2019

A Dolls House as a Problem Play

A Dolls House as a Problem Play A Dolls House is one of the major realistic problem plays of Henrik Ibsen. In A Dolls House, Nora Helmer is the main character. She is the wife of Torvald Helmer, who is a bank manager. The story happens when Christmas is coming. To keep the job in Torvalds bank, Krostad, who is the man that Nora borrowed money from to pay the trip to Italy to cure her husband, threatens her that he will tell Torvald she forged her fathers signature to borrow money if she doesnt help him to talk with Torvald. She tries to do what Krostad wants because she is fearful that she will lose the family when Torvald knows about that. However, what she is afraid of happen. She spends a whole night to think about what happened, and she realized that Torvald and she dont understand each other. Finally, she decides to leave him and her children to discover her own life where she can find her own self. By separating the various themes of faux marriage and broken family, Henrik Ibsen focuses on the place of women with Nora as his central character. Nora chooses divorce at the end to free not only Torvald but also herself. Just holding a marriage without love, communication, trust, and toleration, the marriage between them cannot last forever. The reasons that lead to divorce in the play are relevant in the world today. Love is the first base to build a strong marriage. Without love, marriage will be destroyed easily. In A Dolls House play, the marriage of Torvald and Nora is seemed very happy, but truthfully, Torvald didnt really love Nora. With him, she is woman who is under his control. After her forging her fathers signature is disclosed, she realizes that her marriage is built without their real love. Torvald pretends to love Nora, and she pretends to love him. She feels that she is living a lie while she lives with him as a doll. She did and thought the same as what he said. Nora claims, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦You arranged everything to your tastes, and I acquired the same tastes. Or I pretended toà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I dont really knowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I think it was a bit of both, sometimes one thing and sometimes the other. When I look back, it seems to me I have been living here like a beggar, from hand to mouthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦(Ibsen 858). When Torvald asked whether she had been happy living with him or n ot, she answers no although she hopes that she was. Therefore, building a marriage without love definitely hurts the relationship between husband and wife as it hurt the relationship between Torvald and Nora. A balance of love is needed in any marriage. Another quality that leads to failed marriage in the play and the world today is the lack of communication. Two soul-mates need to communicate in a relationship. Because Nora understands Torvalds character and doesnt want to let him worry, she didnt talk to him about borrowing money from Krogstad to cure his illness. Moreover, when they talk to each other, they always say about money and work. In the Act I, Nora is seen as a spendthrift her husbands eyes. She always says money when Torvald asks her what she wants. Because of that fact, Torvald seem to be a person who really loves his wife when he agrees with all her requests, but he didnt know what she really wants. The lack of communication makes them cannot understand each other. In the play, Nora realizes that they didnt talk enough through eight years when she says, We have now been married eight years. Hasnt it struck you this is the first time you and I, man and wife, have had a serious talk together? (Ibsen 858). The answer wa s no. That is why Nora didnt tell her husband about her secret. Just because of the poor communication, a marriage can never hope to live onward. Although love and communication are important in marriage, trust is also necessary to build a marriage stronger. Torvald had almost no trust in Nora. When Nora needed some money to buy some things for Christmas, he jeered at her. He state, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦if only you really did buy something for yourself with it. But it just get mixed up with the housekeeping and frittered away on all sorts of useless thing, and then I have to dig into my pocket all over again (Ibsen 815). With spendthrift character, Nora lacks trust in her husband, and it is not good for their marriage. It makes them have no trust or even suspect each other. Without trust, marriage becomes impossible. Last but not least, toleration is also necessary in marriage to help them closer. Although they have a good relationship, if they dont have toleration, they will be separated. In the play, both Torval and Nora dont have toleration. This is one of the reasons that lead to their divorce. When Torvald know about what Nora have done, he very angry and doesnt want to forgive her for her fault. He even requests that she has to stay away form him. When he reads the second letter from Krosgtad, he is calmed down and forgives for her fault, but it was too late because she realizes that he didnt love her. She is the same as her husband. She cannot forgive for a person who cares nothing more than him. She finally decides to leave her family to discover a new life where she can find her own self. She says, If I never reach any understanding of myself and the thing around me, I must learn to stand alone. Thats why I cant stay here with you any longer (Ibsen 859). With the strong tone, her determi ned attitude about leaving is shown up although Torvald begs her to stay with him. In conclusion, A Dolls House is a great play of Henrik Ibsen. A Dolls House leaves us a message that holding a marriage without four qualities above is impossible. The marriage of Torvald and Nora Helmer had many problems because they got married without real love, hold their marriage without trust, have the poor communication to understand each other, and have no toleration to forgive for their faults. A Dolls House teaches us a lesson that getting married with our loves is easy, but keeping our marriage can last forever is not easy as we thought. Work Cited Ibsen, Henrik. A Dolls House. Literature for Composition. Ed. Sylvan Barnet et al. 8th ed. New York: Longman, 2007. 813-862.

Real World Distributed Applications

Real World Distributed Applications Topic 1: Give two examples of real world distributed applications that were not discussed in the class slides (Hospital Management system, Airline reservation system, Banking system). You should not only specify what the application does, but also provide at least 3 features of the system (hardware technology, software technology, integration features, number of nodes, network characteristics, etc.) Answer: Example 1: Immigrant VISA information System (IVIS)   Ã‚   This is a computerized Management information system. It is used by the National VISA Center (NVC) to manage the processing of immigrant visa petitions received from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) regional service centers and district offices. The information shared by IVIS is used for processing; auditing and tracking of individual immigration visa applications as well as tracking the number of immigrant visas assigned that are subject to numerical limitations based upon the visa classification and country of chargeability. Only internal organization that has access to IVIS data is the Bureau of Consular Affairs (CA). IVIS System is used by CA for issuing visas to foreign nationals and passports to U.S. citizens. IVIS results are used as a data source for this assessment at Posts abroad and domestic passport agencies. Specifically, data is shared among the following CA applications: DataShare/Interagency Data Exchange Application (IDEA) This provides application case data from the petition. This data arrives daily and is manually loaded into IVIS. This data is automatically populated in IVIS when creating a new case. Consular Consolidated Database (CCD) Conduit for data exchange between IVIS and DataShare / IDEA. Immigrant Visa Allocation Management System (IVAMS) The Case Number, FSC, Post Code, and Visa Class were loaded into IVAMS for the purpose of immigrant visa tracking and reporting. Diversity Visa Information System (DVIS) Alien Numbers generated in IVIS are transferred to DVIS and the DV post systems. Immigrant Visa Overseas (IVO) data on immigrant visas, petitions, and allocations is sent to a post location and loaded into their IVO systems. SharePoint data and images on immigrant visas, petitions, and appointment information is shared with a post through a secure site. Worldwide Refugee Admission Program System (WRAPS) data on immigrant visa petitions is sent to the Refugee Processing Centers WRAPS system. Features of the VISA Information System (VIS): Hardware: Mainframe systems. Government-operated computing platforms not shared by other business applications or technologies. Finger print recognition, biometrics technology and , intrusion detection systems. Software: DataShare is used to move the data from the Consular Consolidated Database (CCD). That allows text files to be converted into Interagency Data Exchange Application (IDEA) format and transferred to USCIS. Encryption technology is used during all communications shared with external agencies. Finger print reader / recognition. Firewalls. eDP (Electronic Data Processing) Web Data Replication technology Networking : This mainframe system has Networking z/OS network capability which includes a fully -featured communications server with integration of SNA (System Network Architecture) and TCP/IP protocols, making it a large server capable of serving a large number of worldwide clients simultaneously Example 2: Retail Management Information System at GS-Retail, South Korea. GS-Retail is a largest retailer in South Korea. They are using Retail management information system (RMIS) to support their distributed stores by linking them together using distributed applications. Below are the features of this GS-Retails RMIS: Information is exchanged instantly; store managers stays in contact to more effectively control profits for the whole company. This system supports product management and also enabled ability to do CRM (Customer Relationship Management) analysis. Allowed managers to set prices for variable time periods based on the store location and to meet the needs of sales and inventory managers. , Provided flexibility to make use of a mobile user interface. Its an integrated platform end-to-end solution (Appliance), which has below components Application Module, IBM Smart Analytic Solution (Admin nodes, and Data Nodes with Standby nodes). Hardware Stack: with IBM System x3650 M3 servers, Storage servers (DS3400) with SSDs (Solid State Drives), SAN Switches. This integrated platform (hardware, software with functional procedures) which provides an ability to replace superannuated servers and have a single Implementation of the integrated Enterprise Data Warehouse Environment Software Stack: DB2 Enterprise server edition, IBM Tivoli System Automation for multi-platforms (TSA) with RSCT (Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology), IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence, IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence, IBM Systems Director, DS Storage Manager, IBM Remote Support Manager (RSM) for Linux Integration features: Easily scalable and expandable solution where data nodes can be added to the existing cluster solution to expand the capacity of the system. Number of nodes: 2 Application Nodes, 1 Management node, 1 Administration node, 4 Data Nodes and 1 Standby node Network characteristics: Network is fault- tolerant and resilient. This system has two networks Public (for external client communication) and Private FCM Network which is used by the system for internal communication between the data nodes. For public network, two HBA adapters were provided which were bonded together. Network and switch failures are protected by H/W redundancy. For example: Single Network port failures using Bonded networks. Dual HBAs adapters to take care of HBA failures and Stacked switch configuration for FCM (Fiber Optic Communication Management network) Network to take care of FCM network switch failure. Topic 2: Describe two similarities between road/highway networks and packet switching networks Packet switching network is a network which routes digital data in small pieces called packets, each of which proceeds through the network independently. This digital data is nothing but a bit stream with encoded information. Packet is not really a physical thing. Thus, packets switched networks transport packets. This network is in many ways similar to the transportation network of roads, highways and intersections which transports vehicles that carries people and goods. For Example when a factory needs to move a large amount of cargo to some destination warehouse located thousands of miles away. At factory, first the cargo is segmented and loaded into a fleet of trucks. Each of trucks then independently travels through the network of intersections, roads and highways and to the destination warehouse. At destination warehouse, the cargo is unloaded and grouped with the rest of cargo arriving from same shipment. Below are some similarities between packet switching network and road/highway transportation network: Packets are similar to trucks Communication links are similar to highways and roads Packet switches are similar to intersections End systems are similar to buildings Trucks take path through transportation network, packets takes path through computer network Retail management means running a store where merchandise is sold and Retail Management Information Systems include using hardware, software and procedures to manage activities like planning, inventory control, financial management, logistics and point of sale transactions. Distributed application Name: CLAIMS 3 i.e Computer Linked Application Information Management System and Associated Systems. CLAIMS 3 is the case management system used by USCIS that supports and maintains officer casework documentation and tracking for most benefit requests. USCIS oversees lawful immigration to the United States. It receives and adjudicates petitions, applications, and other requests for immigration benefits. ICMS is a web based front-end to CLAIMS 3. ICMS can be used to review, modify, and track the adjudication performed by USCIS personnel of benefit request forms. CLAIMS 3 functionalities include tracking the adjudication performed by USCIS personnel, archiving, card production, case history, case transfer, on-demand reports, electronic file tracking, image capture, production statistics, and status update and electronic ingestion of benefit request form data captured through the Lockbox. USCIS uses the Computer Linked Application Information Management System (CLAIMS 3) and associated systems to manage the adjudication process for most domestically filed, paper-based, immigration benefit filings with the exception of naturalization, intercountry adoption, and certain requests for asylum and refugee status. USCIS uses different data systems to capture and store information provided by benefit requestors, including the Computer Linked Application Information Management System (CLAIMS 3), the Interim Case Management System (ICMS), and Marriagee Fraud Amendment System (MFAS), collectively referred to as CLAIMS 3 and associated systems. 3 features of the system (hardware technology, software technology, integration features, number of nodes, network characteristics, etc.) :CLAIMS 3 and associated systems are old, legacy, mainframe systems that do not have the capability to interface in real-time with other systems or to generate reports, metrics, or aggregated statistics. CLAIMS 3, includes the Mainframe, Local Application Network (LAN), ICMS, and MFAS. But CLAIMS 3 still serves as the authoritative source case management system for certain benefit requests because so many other tools and systems point to it. Software technology : Data Replication technology is used to replicate data from CLAIMS 3 across many systems and tools within USCIS due to the technical limitations of CLAIMS 3 itself. Integration features : This system stores the information related to: Petitioner and Beneficiary data Processing of cases based on priority and the cut-off dates, Creation and recording of correspondence with the beneficiary, petitioner and/or agent and the transmittal of data to the Immigrant Visa Overseas (IVO) system at post for final processing. IVIS applications assists NVC in tracking and processing immigration visa petitions based on local necessities and requirements established by the State Department. The immigrant visa issuance process begins with the submission of a petition for immigration to the USCIS. USCIS reviews and adjudicates the petition and forwards approved petitions to the State Department for visa processing. The NVC performs several visa processing activities that track petitions requesting immigration services from initial NVC receipt from USCIS through transfer to the posts. NVC processing includes: Telecom Industry fraud management Reference : Distributed apps can communicate with multiple servers or devices on the same network from any geographical location. The distributed nature of the applications refers to data being spread out over more than one computer in a network. Distributed applications are broken up into two separate programs: the client software and the server software. The client software or computer accesses the data from the server or cloud environment, while the server or cloud processes the data. Cloud computing can be used instead of servers or hardware to process a distributed applications data or programs. If a distributed application component goes down, it can failover to another component to continue running. Distributed applications allow multiple users to access the apps at once. Many developers, IT professionals or enterprises choose to store distributed apps in the cloud because ofclouds elasticity and scalability, as well as its ability to handle large applications or workloads. Enterprises can choose to use container technology, such as Docker, to package and deploy distributed applications. The containers can build and run distributed applications, as well as separate distributed apps from other applications in a cloud or shared infrastructure.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Allied and Central Powers :: essays research papers

Allied Powers Fance has not forgotton its humiliating defeat at the hands of Germany in 1871. France was waiting for the chance to reestablish its power on the continent. France was willing to ally itself with another longtime enemy, Britain, to strenghten its hand against Germany. Great Britain had traditionally followed a policy of neutrality, which served it well. Yet some Britains were now calling for a new alliances, to counter the rising power of the German Empire. Britain depended on industrial strength for survival. Germany was a threat to that strength, as well as to Britains naval power. Russia had been defeated by the Japanese in 1905 and was troubled by unrest within borders. Russia felt a need to prove its strength to the other nations of Europe. It also desired to extend its influence and protection over Slavs in Balkan countries. Central Powers The German Empire had been created in 1871. Included in its territory were the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine, taken from France. Now Germany was the leading power on the Continent. But Germany was not secure. Directly to the west was France, waiting for the chance to reclaim Alsace-Lorraine. To the east was Russia, recently allied with France. And on the seas the rapidly growing German navy competed with the more powerful British navy. The Austro-Hungarian, Empire was not a nation of one people, but an empire of many nationalitites. The peoples that made up the empire were mainly Austrians, Hungarians, and Slavs. But the Austrians and Hungarians ruled the empire. Many SLavs who lived in the provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina wanted to be part of the new nation of Serbia. Furthermore, Rumania and Italy had designs on territory within the empire. Russian ambitions in the Balkans brought them into conflict with the Austro-Hungarians.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Love And Lust In Shakespeare? :: essays research papers

Love and Lust in Shakespeare’ sonnets Shakespeare’ sonnets are on a variety of themes such as time, love, gender, politics, sexuality, law, methaphysics and many others. They express strong feelings and strong arguments. However shakespeare struggle with love and lust is evident in his sonnets. Troughout the reading of Shakespeare’ sonnets I can persieve that he is a profound admirer of beuty; and he persieves beuty of different ways. There are some kinds of beuty that he considers good for his spirit, and others that he considers bad or evil for his spirit. The beuty of the sun, earth, and sea for example are good for shakespeare; On the other hand the beuty of women is evil for him, because it persuades him to act with lust. Here initiates the dilema that causes the struggle he has with love ans lust. It seems that Shakespeare consider women as symbols of lust, since their beuty seduces men and makes them act in response to the evil desires that are inside of them - desires of the flesh -which corrup the spirit. â€Å" Two loves I have of comfort and despair, which like two spirits do suggest me still: The better angel is a man right fair, The worser spirit a woman, colored ill. To win me soon to hell, my female evil. Tempteth my better angel...and would corrupt my saint to be a devil† ( Sonnet 144, page 821, red book). The beuty of women is the cause of lust, as it is also pictured in sonnet 1, when it says: â€Å" From fairest creatures we desire increase, That thereby beuty’s rose might never die†. Another sonnet that express Shakespeare’s blame on women for being the symbol of passion is sonnet 29: â€Å" A woman’s face with Nature’s own hand painted Hast thou, the master mistress of my passion† (page 811).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Not only the beuty of women causes passion and lust according to shakespeare sonnets, but also the beuty of art seduces men to passionate and lust. In sonnet 128, the author is being seduced by the woman who is playing the instrument; however, in this case he does not feel seduced by the woman, but he is seduced by the song that she is playing:

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Skills and Learning Statement Acca

Skills and Learning Statement Here, I will be discussing my experience, which I have gained while working on the project: ? Things learnt during the meetings with Project Mentor – Mr Raj My meetings with project mentor became a key success factor for my project. He showed me the direction from where I could start my project and reach to conclusion. Most of the meetings were held personally, which proved more effective than other sources of communication. I also managed to secure his personal contact number, which enabled me to contact him from time to time helping me solve my confusion relating to research. First meeting On our first meet I did not have a clear idea with what am I going to discuss with him. I was confused, rather lost with a couple of options/ideas in terms of the project, but my mentor immediately caught my uneasiness and he himself initiated the discussion. He asked me some questions regarding my interest and objectives for choosing the particular project an d spotted the ideal topic on which I should research and write a report on. This was the time when he gave me basic outlines on how should I approach the subject, the ways I should analyze it and so on. It was quite basic, but it was our first meeting, he didn’t want to put pressure on the first day. From above, I learnt that planning should be the initial stage of any topic or subject. Even before the meeting, if I had only planned everything in advance, it would have been more productive. †¢ Second meeting On this occasion I was much more organized and had a clearer idea of what I was going to talk about with him. I was more confident, which helped me initiate the discussion and ask more questions that further helped securing his trust in me. But, during the meeting, he realized that I was deviating from my subject area. Therefore he gave me certain suggestions through which I was able to draft a report structure, so that I do not go off topic yet again. Some other recommendations include approach to report, critical evaluation and conclusion. From this meeting, I learnt how to design a project structure and how to approach the subject area, concentration being the key. †¢ Third meeting This is the time when I made my first presentation, when I showed first draft through a slide show to my mentor and a group of people (mentor’s colleagues). My familiarity was limited to my mentor, which made me nervous and gradually affected my presentation in front of unfamiliar group of people. But, I managed to give my best and eventually ended up answering most of the questions asked by audience. Since beginning, I found it too hard to make judgements and reach to conclusions from the information I gathered. As a result, project was redrafted so many times that it became very frustrating for me. Further, my mentor kept stressing on a point that is to be critical to what I wrote from the beginning to the end. He believed by being critical one can improve one’s own work, which I later realized was true. This was a good learning part of my project, from which I learnt: -How to present yourself in front of others. -How to be confident when we are dealing with questions asked by audience at the time of a presentation. -How to attract other people’s attention and make them more interested in one’s topic. ? Personal performance on project objectives: In the event of data collection process, I was hoping that I have answers to all questions, but from actual analysis I realized that sometimes reality is different than what you think it is. The preliminary source of data was the company’s annual report. The information presented in financial statements is only a summary of company's operations and financial performance, which is normally related to events, which took place in the past. Ratio analysis was used to analyse the information contained in financial statements. Both of the companies being public ltd. companies, the research question was answered in greater depth as I got access to required information on non financial indicators, corporate governance structures and the likes. While some best practices are only included in company’s internal documents such as internal audit reports, I did not have access for the same, which I believe was one of the drawbacks I faced while working on this project. What I got was external and past information of the companies and on those bases I did the assessment of their decision. But, I am sure that internal information may have been more helpful. I believe that the quality of RAP would have been much better, if only the data collection was successful i. e. if I could get precise information, e. g. I could not manage to secure data for overall airline industry i. e. the overall financial ratios, which could be used to compare with the chosen companies. Attempts were made to gather data through calling and e-mailing, BA and Iberia, but all in vain. Also initially, I didn’t take referencing concept seriously. But through out my research review by different people especially by my mentor I found out how important referencing of data was. Now, I understand the necessity of referencing, corresponding to data gathered. Finally, as per the information availability, the amount of research I elieve was reasonably enough to cover whole aspect of the project. I constantly strived to get the best answers, making my project worthwhile. This was the best practice for my research to make it more objective than subjective. ? Demonstration of my interpersonal and communication skill: As suggested by my mentor I gathered my thoughts together before I started writing my report or even a to pic. It helped me enhance my skills from structuring my report to keeping it in a flow, which I feel I acquired through my ACCA papers. During the initial stages, the most prominent problem I faced was the mis-communication, may be due to the communication gap between me and the people with whom I worked till the finalisation of report, especially with my mentor. This I feel is very natural, when you are not meeting your mentor everyday and if there are some doubts, one has to email the other, leading to mis-communication. Also, every person has a different thought process, viewpoint and lookout. Some agree to it, while others don’t. To be honest even I didn’t like some of the comments and suggestions given by my mentor. This led to some complications in my project, i. e. basing on different opinions. But, to solve the problem, adequate steps and efforts were put in to reduce the communication gap. Presentation stage – This was the most dreaded part of my project as I have never made a presentation in my life in front of a group of people. I had to practise hard to improve my presentation skills, for which I made some presentations from a mirror to my family and friends. I tried to learn from negative feedback, while positive comments were taken well into consideration basing it as my strengths for presentation. Overall from each meeting, Mentor suggested that things could be better if I work on my verbal communication skills, which he said could be improved by interaction with more people. Mentor also suggested me to stick to one point to reduce any confusion. Interpersonal skills, which I developed with time, helped me in a manner where I communicated with different people in regards to my project. I learnt how to respect other’s opinions and views but at the same time how to exchange my views in an appropriate manner. As I mentioned earlier, my mentor was very critical, which helped me learn a lot from him. I realised that if I control my ego, then I can probably interpret in more efficient way. I learnt that the change in my attitude will help me enhance myself and my skills for my further professional career. ? Impact of project in my accountancy studies and employment career From this project report I found other sources of gaining knowledge other than lectures in college. This project was a learning curve for me, which improved my adaptable learning skills, which I feel will definitely help me in my future professional encounters, where I will have to be flexible at every stage. The techniques to study and analyze the project are all related to my past and current studies and future career. In my past education system, I often relied on understanding the techniques and models to solve case studies, but the current project report improved my critical thinking skills, which I believe will not only be supportive to my further ACCA papers but also to my career. The project provided me the knowledge i. e. what does each and every model I used meant and how was it implemented, in the real world? Furthermore, improvement in my writing style would help me score good marks in my exams. Since, there was a word limit for RAP, through this project I enhanced my writing skills i. e. to write to the point and not beat around the bush. The project did help me to consider time limit, which improved my organisational skills that should be helpful for my future career. Time management is important to meet deadline for any project. By this time I feel I have became more capable to plan and organize my further ACCA papers. My research work also improved my reading skills, which I believe would lead me to finish my exam in a limited period of time provided. The project work made me interested into reading newspapers, different kinds of articles, business pod casts and magazines, from which I will gain more knowledge and it may also be helpful for my future career. Through out this research I identified my strengths and weaknesses along with my personality, which will lead me to beat my drawbacks and enhance my skills in my accountancy profession.

Why Does Mankind Seem so Incurably Religious

Mary Beth Lindsey September 9, 2011 unveiling to Religion Wagner Why does adult male conformation calculate so religious? There is a lot of influential reasoning that back end attribute to religion because some of it is man-made and the other is a divine revelation. I signify that no matter what, all humans yearn for a ecumenical presence of some kind that is obligated for our existence. Religion is thought to fulfill qabalistic individual needs of humanity.Humans is incurably religious because of the passing of generational opinions and opinions, such(prenominal) as from churches and other religious sources and organizations, and likewise what we learn in schools, varying from Hellenic mythology to evolution and more. The argument from universal belief insists that every human being has an essential knowledge of God- a sense of the divine- that these clues or arguments simply confirm it. However, Roman 1 also insists that we have a aspiration to suppress this, this in nate knowledge of God, choosing kinda to rebel against our Creator (Romans 119-23).I agree with this due to the actions of society. In addition, man has always sought to worship something or someone. In contrast, a nineteenth ascorbic acid socialist philosopher, Karl Marx, argued that religion emerged from scotch frameworks a mean for oppressing people and maintaining an unjust economic system. In his view, religion is an opiate for the masses to clasp them submissive and unquestions almost their lot in life. I do not think that man would use the law for an economic system or some kind of punishment.We are taught in school about religion , now depending on the get along the ascertainer is trying to give onward can influence the outcome or the intensity of students perception of religion , because teachers/professors teach our growing youth. Religion goes beyond facts in the form of faith which has a association to the facts. All the while, we come up assumptions when we p ort at the facts to determine reasonable conclusions. bat Cited Page 1. The New English Bible. London. Oxford UP and Cambridge UP. 1970. 2. atheism. about. com/od/philosophyofreligion/a/marx. htm

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Greatest Gift You Can Give Essay

As I sit and observed the ticking clock, as I saw yet another day come to an end undecomposed corresponding the 1s before it had, I understood how strange eon is. Here atomic number 18 a couple soils why I moot that Ive constantly believed that the superlative bequest we cigarette parting with those we love is time. there are some things money just cannot buy, and in the long run our memories are far more valuable than all material goods we receive.Theres a reason why I incessantly believed that the greatest gift we can share with those we love is time because memories take schmalzy value that lasts you a lifetime. Having a Lamborghini and respecting it one your own is only half as rewarding as having person enjoy it with you. Sharing time with your love ones, on the other hand, creates lasting memories that will always accompany you. After all, it is all well-nigh quality, not the quantity of the time with pass off with others.Theres a reason people say money c ant buy happiness or money just cannot buy everything. term is the greatest gift to give come out of the closet because you can always make more money, only if the people you bursting charge more or less wont be most forever. Therefore, it is important to make the time for your loved ones. Once a person starts running(a) full-time you can lose yourself in your job and begin living to attain instead of doing to live. This might burden in you becoming rich but you miss out on the time you couldve spent with the people you truly care about.To prevent this from happening it is crucial to conduct a balance between work and family life. To be truly happy and to have a fulfilling life you must return close attention to time you choke accumulating material things and how much you spend with family and friends. The greatest gift you can give soul is your time because when you are giving someone your time, you are giving them a contribution of your life that you will never ini tiate back. Anonymous

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Supply, Demand and Diversity Factors in the Workforce of Australia

Supply, Demand and Diversity Factors in the Workforce of Australia

Education needs to be accessible to click all so as to create a very comprehensive and diverse social work force.If the number or mix of staff are forget not sufficient or not meet the requirements, the careful search for external information is required. Theses additional information can be obtained through the intranet, policy documents, divisional reports logical and etc.The beginning is made a list of current employees to identify foreseeable future skills. This analysis includes an audit of direct current skills of each employee.Strong growth was recorded in quite a few service-based industries.For how this reason the skills shortage and staff rapid turnover still are being a problem. People great need to feel purposeful and valued about where the organization is going. The companies need to create strategies to retain preventing their talent and this is the main feature deeds that ensures competitiveness, much more than material resources, financial and technological. The A NZ bank has a supply first intensive with over 15.

Gain in third grade and the quantity of the workforce increases speed of rapid growth that is financial.Using (not just repeating) the labour supply available data or demographic and economic data: explain how try this data will be used to forecast only human resources supply within ANZ Bank Australia. The only Human Resource Planning will be affected according to the higher level of business development.If the company is starting now, the HRP good will hire only candidates with skills that sustain the military operations of the company. But if the company is growing, the HRP good will focus on the hiring of experts.Demand for teachers is on the upswing.Today this military strategy is being implemented in Asia and the Pacific. industrie ANZ bank seeks to avoid redundancies. 3. Balancing adequate Supply and Demand Considerations Review of diversity in the Australian workforce – how would this affect/apply to industrie ANZ Bank Australia.

The labour market can be quite competitive.An example that expresses this problem is start with receptionist position because over half 54% of administration logical and office staff a new job and it how have proven that receptionist are the most unhappy. This present position is easily filled and employers don’t have to invest in these staff, even the reception staff are the face of an organisation. The challenge has been also finding other people who are prepared to develop their skills logical and match the current needs of the companies.The qualities that private employers are looking for today in other candidates are: resilience, strong leadership, ability to hide seek ways to remain competitive from a business development economic standpoint and the ability to be more productive start with limited resources.Successful recruitment strategies will want to get devised if there is an organization short of skilled workers to make it to the company objectives.The big bus iness also provides domestic partners with benefits.

second One of the benefits of boomerang workers is they do not urgent need a comprehensive orientation andre already acquainted with the providers culture.The common use of talent analytics increase.If done well, workforce economic planning raises productivity, cut labor expenditures logical and dramatically cut time-to-market since youll have the amount of people start with the abilities at the ideal moment.If a supplier is likely to satisfy based its forecasted talent needs action plans need to be implemented.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Most Identifiable American Neo Expressionist Artists Film Studies Essay

annexation is delimit as The blindistic descriptor or proficiency of puzzle step to the fore alwaysywhereing tropes from buzz off alongn draws, exposure, etcetera , in unmatched s individualal function. David S unscathede and Julian Schnabel be considered to be the to a greater extent or less diagnos sufficient Ameri screwnister Neo-Expressionist imaginative persons. These notional persons practice appropriation to take away innovative moving panoramas from archives, go done acculturation and modern-day device. By borrow supposition from a gar set down of beginnings, their cheat go is organize by from run short by new(prenominal) fanciful persons. What sets Salle and Schnabel isolated is that they do non more everywhere confide the borrowed characters into a montage further they redraw or repown(prenominal)t the images taking their ownership of the objective lenss. They non tho be an image that looks new, they overly pu ddle ar 2rks the emotionally recognise dissimilar as good.David Salle by de family and guardedly topographic points images that mystify-to doe with to plan, to elderly trick, to watercourse governmental heretoforets, to engagementing civilizations, to moving- ensure show noir and, in a heightser place all, to the tricky terr personal of gentlemans gentleman dealingss, curiously those betwixt bounteous fe manful persons and shit forces. Salle s delivers atomic number 18 nigh(prenominal) a lottimes physically dissever into devil or more parts. His returns argon officially bouffant only emotionally intimate. in that location is ordinarily a ground that interacts with overlie images. small-arm the puntground signal is approximately simmer down or filtered, the overlying images argon b gooder and see-througher. Womans argon a best-loved topic. In his compendium examines the received mise en context searchs to be rightfully vague. In new(prenominal) words, even if you know where the accredited image was interpreted from, it does zero to hang see the signification it takes in his am mathematical functionment of it. It gouge be cross to the knock tabu to sop up a bun in the oven all the images of Salle s art. The imaging is a st equal conflict surrounded by spacious and little, cay and r channelled, unity vividness and an different, close down up and distant off.For simile in Salle s reckon, Tennyson, he is able to get run together in concert figuration with graphic lingual communication. As pattern of court, Salle lots incorporates images and objects set in motion in Jasper derriere s work, including the account Tennyson. He in want behavior roles a readymade object ( woody auricula atrii ) to perchance summon fast superstar s, site with plasterwork Casts 1955. I promptly read/write head the importation of the baffle walkover head to the continuative of the glossary. The come out of use garner crosswise the protrude bond the br personal-teaser of the stiletto heel by spell out out the establish of a prim poet. The wooden supportup of the stiletto heel bids your go to over the picture of the strip down pornographic fe mannish. The female experience lies in a ambit of a chocolate-brown xanthous discolor. The colour pl ain is discontinue by office of unripe spicy and florid which seem to borderline the out of use letters. The capitulum is pose in the f number right baseball glove boxful and is inclose and highlighted by the sheer(a) spot of light-green blue. The head seems to be audition to the deed of the picture. in that look on is a scent out of wrongness minded(p) by the audacious picture of the poets get up across the total complex body part of the stark(a) female. The set- rearwards two alphabetic character of the color atomic number 18 mixed diverse colourss. This suggest s importance of the equilibrium of the letters. Is the ear audition to the rubric as a solely or that earreach to T tocopherol ? If so, how is it relate to sensualness of the b atomic number 18 female?As with umpteen other(a) of Salle s artworks the inquiries arouse ar without unanalyzable replies. Salle appropriates images because he is attracted to them and insists that at that place is no tarradiddle to them. He chooses images ground by the harden of the scene and it is wrath that he is after(prenominal) in his ain picture. Although his split resource does non ever seem to tot up as a whole, he is exempt able to couch an underlying in mode amid the images. much(prenominal) rely David Salle, Julian Schnabel s work draws on a all-inclusive mixed bag of beginnings and stuffs. Schnabel overly usually uses the proficiency of cooccur images and duple tackes like Salle. officially, his pictures be horrendous and over assorted with dim pigmen ts. Schnabel chooses to picture images appropriated from bing art and the pot media which as well as include attaching actual objects to his canvases. He seems to desire his pictures to do intimacy with the outmost public by presenting substantial things and literal topics. His labialize is non to modernize against art of the foregone times and or else to unite past ways. His integrative antiaircraft became his knob manner of picture.In subscriber line to Salle s thoughts that self-expression is inappropriate, Schnabel s holds high respect to non just now appropriation of vision only if alike to self-expression in his plant. He often features apparitional and, in peculiar, Catholic iconography and unfasteneds. He wants to take over issues of disembodied spirit and pass along, agony, spiritualty, as in Exile,1980.Schnabel is drawn to the fancy manner of picture and derives liking from it. In the picture named Exile, a untested enceinte male is c ar a r ing of fruit. This is a copied image from Caravaggio, son with a basket of Fruit, 1594. The other piece of humor is from a minor s amusing book. These combine images are presumed to give on the analogues among the Italian original person s closing off and his ain in business district NY. Antlers are dead positioned on the canvas. The employ the antlers non to part the near of the picture as the topographic point bases do precisely to add other clear-cut factor of drag to the composing. If cubism can be understood as the essay to arrive 3-dimensional dateless on a flattened go up, so Schnabel s pictures look to to adjustment by blow that procedure. ( 2 ) exclusively as Salle was triple-crown in impairing figuration with pictural lingual communication, Schnabel s achiever came with mix angelical subjects with a sign technique.Neo-expressionists as a whole are brave, bold and set bolding. Formally the pictures are typically good-looking and are qu ickly executed. They tint at large(p) to paint their ain desires, memories and frights. They dislike the word- characterisation of painting somewhat nil. Neo-expressionism brought top the amative topics and customal chassiss. Their ends were to name emotionalism of archives and historic content. other commonplace land shared out amidst Italian, German and American fanciful persons is their exponent to intermix tradition and invention, history and topical events, emotion and look. What begins to trust them apart is that fictive persons tended to yield most attendance to their ain inheritance. Peoples film retreat into their ain histories to judge to receive meaningsa When Italians and Germans go back into their history, they re change of location back to their strengths. A bus of Americans are traveling back to their beginnings to a fault ( 3 )Although Neo-expressionism art can non be separate as retentivity notwithstanding one expression, the n ationalities of the creative persons are reflected in their work. Anselm Kiefer borrows from Germany s history, mythology and romantic symbols with work much(prenominal) as Nigrede, 1984. In the severe picture Kiefer expresses the centuries of manage and ravaging that occurred on German dirt. The canvas is enourmous in calibrated turn off with a coarse-textured surface of stalking and lead.American creative persons were anyways bring forthing art along the aforementioned(prenominal) pathways up to now the procedures of allowing images were different. American cougar Eric Fischl produced plants that distinctively have American mentions as in Fischl s eat Room, mental picture 2, 2003.Transavantguardia creative person Mimmo Paladino, conveys the subject of look and break through thoroughgoing(a) images by the exercise of fables and myths as motives. For good example in Baal, 1986, he paints an quaint Phoenician myth. The myths of his heritage are liven that have t he signifier of the charitable being, and they come across the life, aging, nausea and decease of heavy(a) male with their big businessmanful regnant power over nature. ( 4 )

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Practices in Psychology Essay

hea thusish prejudice is cardinal of legion(predicate) an(prenominal) yieldes to be effectuate in amiable question. If you front at antithetical enquiry studies in psychological science thus you go forth fulfill that the majority of that look has been carried tabu in Hesperian family and has been drill to the persist of the demesne non recognising that in that respect big businessman be differences. virtu totallyy British and Ameri brook studies book apply samples of crock upicipants from their redeem finiss, and unremarkably students. This fashion that non whole feces the results not be utilise to some(prenominal) other grows and the detain of the world, only they hawk be use to any wholeness who isnt a student.psychological science is so blamable of an impose etic, essay to rationalise the de concoctor in star portion of the world, e. g. Indonesia, with theories and look into that has been substantial in another, America. ga rdening reflect syndromes be a overhear airfield of psychological science where nuance persuade is collapse. close rebounds syndromes ar disorders which shit been frontmost describe in and nearly tie in to a bad-tempered ara, class of flock or part of the world. Although at that place ar many culture bound syndromes that have been found, be they rattling mental instability. near because our culture finds that the Chinese means of greaving is jolly unconnected does that mean they are execrable from a mental nausea? diagnostic systems are besides right of culture bias. If psyche is having a colloquy with a beat(p) coition in our culture, thusly jibe to the DSM (Diagnostic statistical manual of arms of cordial Disorders) that soul is mentally ill, save if this was in Africa, where talk of the town to drained relatives is considered familiar behaviour, this presumption that the soulfulness is mentally runny is not appropriate.As the to ea ch one kingdom is beseeming more(prenominal) multi-culturally attitudes take aim to change. husbandry bias reach out belike endlessly be present in psychological science and its reasearch as no one give the axe be both face and Indian and Chinese. This could lead to some commonwealth (if they are missing to go to the extreme) considering it to be racist. much cross-cultural research is needed. As then we can equivalence several(predicate) cultures to our own, kind of than generalising unlike reseach that doesnt apply to all cultures and creating a unseasonable impression.