Monday, September 30, 2019

Discipline in the Classroom Essay

â€Å"You’re nothing but a wuss. Your mama ain’t here to help you now so why don’t you stand and fight me like a man†¦. That’s right, saying nothing is going to make the situation better. You gonna go cry to Mrs. Wilson about it now? † This type of harassment in the classroom distracts the students from their main objective-to learn. Disciplinary problems in the classroom interrupt the atmosphere of the classroom, a place where learning takes precedent above all else. A tense environment detracts from learning and everyone loses. Mrs. Wilson got upset, the other school children endured constant harassment, and the children responsible for this harassment got lost in the system. Although experts cite many responses, multicultural education remains an answer that benefits both the teacher and all of the students. Disciplinary problems not only disrupt the serenity of the classroom, but if left untreated, manifest into societal problems. Violence grows as America’s answer to any problem. This trend has been growing steadily in our nation’s classrooms, and recent incidences like that of Columbine High School remind us that angry children become everyone’s problem if no one reaches out to them. cal1966, please do not redistribute this work. We work very hard to create this website, and we trust our visitors to respect it for the good of other students. Please, do not circulate this work elsewhere on the internet. Anybody found doing so will be permanently banned. Detention, suspension, and expulsion remain popular methods for dealing with discipline, but these methods serve only to remove rather than to solve the problem. Multicultural education stimulates the children to incorporate their own life experiences into what they learn and makes them active participants in their own learning process. Multicultural education serves to help bridge gaps between different classes, races, and genders. Not a seemingly easy task, drastic measures are imperative when the future of our country rests on the futures of our children. Take an eighth grade classroom located in a rural district with only three middle schools servicing the entire county. Mark and Jake, two white boys, constantly disrupted Mrs. Wilson’s Social Studies class. The situation distracted the teacher from her lesson plan, meaning that the other children’s learning fell behind their peers. Also, Mark and Jake jeopardized their own academic careers and threaten to become societal menaces. If left untreated their problems might develop into larger societal ills that hurt members of the population at large through their abuse of welfare or filling up the jails. Previously detention failed to help Mark and Jake correct their behavior, but Mrs. Wilson felt that the rest of the class should not suffer because of two members of the class. Disciplinary problems usually stem from some deeper anxiety that the children are facing. Mark’s parents work in an assembly line of a car manufacturer and net $40,000/year combined. They work long hours and spend little time with Mark after school. He takes the school bus to and from school, and he lives in a poor area of town where the houses are run down. Neither of his parents finished formal high school, although they both received GED’s. He has several younger siblings that look up to him as an example, but education is not stressed in his family. This hypothesis from studentcentral. o. uk Part of his disciplinary problem could be that he resents the fact that the state requires him to go to school. Mark sees that his parents struggle to get by, but no connection between improving his situation and education in his mind exists. People who succeed in class and come from upper-middle class backgrounds receive the brunt of his harassment. He feels resentment towards these students because he feels that he tries hard but society and good fortune still shun him. Jake’s parents come from working class backgrounds, and he lives in an area that is close to Mark’s house. His parents experienced marital problems lately. They fight constantly, and his one younger sister also experienced problems in school. His father graduated from technical school and works as a mechanic in a local garage, and his mother works at Kroger. His disciplinary problems relate to the fact that his parents fight a lot and offer to get into screaming matches. With so much tension in his home he feels the need to lash out at someone, and conveniently finds other students to harass-students who he already resents because of their higher social status. His disciplinary problems started about the time that his parents started having problems. However, his parents failed to communicate their problems on to Mrs. Wilson, so she understands little about the reason for Jake’s disciplinary problems. cofb fbr sefbfbw orfb fbk infb fofb fb. Mrs. Wilson, a 35-year old white teacher, became exasperated because Mark and Jake refused to respond to what she viewed as adequate attempts to reach them. They reserve their harassment for children who identify with the pper-middle class or excel in schoolwork. Because she experienced no contact with either set of parents, she remained unaware of the home problems that contribute to Mark and Jake’s frustration with the school system. Her training also left her unprepared to deal with types of children who shrink away from contact with other people. The boys consistently under-perform in all their subjects. Although they received extra help in the past, they refused to take an active inter est in learning, and instead tried to disrupt class time. Mrs. Wilson gave them extra help by working with them during class, and also assigned group partners to them, but the hostility the boys exhibited towards their partners made the working environment tense. They also disrespected Mrs. Wilson, and she felt like she lost all control because they refused to listen to anything she said. They removed themselves from the social scene of the school and appeared to not trust anyone but themselves. The harassment of other students needs to stop because everyone suffers in this situation. All the students fail to get to as much information as other classes with no disciplinary problems. These students will then experience a disadvantage next year when they compete against students from other classes. Also, Mark and Jake acted out and created this disturbance in class for some reason. If Mrs. Wilson fails reach them then their class disturbances might turn into societal disturbances. The importance of the situation remains for all involved to receive some help. This hypothesis from studentcentral. co. uk Mark and Jake’s harassment needs to stop for the benefit of all involved. Multicultural education ensures that every child receives a proper education and an equal chance of success later in life. Like a runaway effect, the problems snowball setting students back and preventing them from attaining success in schools and jobs. In a multicultural setting ideally all the students express their individual voices in the class and its pedagogy. Multicultural education address typical disciplinary problems because the themes that of the process builds around active thinking by the students themselves about the world around them. Multicultural education helps remedy this situation, because everyone’s culture needs to gain acknowledgement by the teacher. However, since limited diversity exists in the classroom, Mrs. Wilson tries to incorporate other cultures as well to make all her students more accepting and understanding of everyone’s lifestyle. Although the classrooms contain relatively new textbooks, they should be discussed critically in class so that the students feel like active participants in their own education. Mark and Jake may be acting out because they feel a lack of control over their own education and their situation in life. Mrs. Wilson realized she had failed to stimulate stimulating them enough, and so they act out to try to grab attention. Rather punish these students, Mrs. Wilson tries to understand their motives and then to try to help them in whatever way the teacher deems possible. This hypothesis from studentcentral. co. uk Nieto writes, â€Å"all teachers can become role models for all students as long as they are understanding, caring, and informed. One way in which teachers can build substantial relationships with students is by offering help to those who do not seek their aid† (331). Mark and Jake try to get attention by lashing out. Mrs. Wilson must dig deeper than usual to get at the root of the problem if she wants to help them. Mrs. Wilson reaches her students through multicultural education. Her determination to reach students who have been labeled as â€Å"problem children† determines the rest of their scholastic careers. For her first step, Mrs. Wilson reevaluates whether her accusations about the children’s behavior warrants concern. Her actions could stem from her preconceived notions of lower, working class families since the children causing the disturbance are poorly dressed and do not have the best hygiene. If Mrs. Wilson holds any bias then she needs to address her own personal bias so that the children do not suffer from her one-sidedness. coce cer sececew orce cek ince foce ce! Once Mrs. Wilson ascertains that these children pose a serious disturbance in her classroom, then her objective reworks itself into new inventive ways. The benefits of conventional negative reinforcement seem to not pose any threat to Mark and Jake, so perhaps she can try positive reinforcement. Also, if she practices what Nieto outlined as a multicultural classroom (p. 05) then she creates an environment where the children feel comfortable approaching her. Perhaps by gaining their confidence she then determines the root of their discipline problems. Before implementing multicultural education, Mrs. Wilson first identifies the reason for Mark and Jake’s outbreaks in class. Until now she treated them as regular problem children, but since none of the conventional disciplinary methods worked, she needs to sort out the root of the problem. Their problems at home cause their harassment of their peers. However, since the parents fail to return phone calls, Mrs. Wilson writes them and requests that they come in for a parent/teacher conference. If this measure fails to get the parents to school, then she plans to go visit them in their home. Because the parents are usually busy, there do not often communicate with the school. If the school approaches the parents in a non-threating manner, then perhaps the parents shed some light on their sons’ behavior problems. With more parental involvement, the boys feel more pressured to shape up. The home environment remains difficult to overcome, especially without the parents’ help. However, Mrs. Wilson needs to make the effort to at least try to contact them so that she has more input to correctly identify the reason Mark and Jake are acting out. Nieto writes â€Å"teachers can encourage parents to give their children jobs at home, and then support them when they do† (328). Maybe if Mark and Jake feel more important at home then they lose the urge to act out at school. Another method Mrs. Wilson employs to draw in outside resources for her classroom involves meeting with Mark and Jake’s other teachers. Outside input also influences learning because if she experienced disciplinary problems in her class the boys probably act out in all of their classes. By calling a meeting with everyone involved, the teachers might be able to trace commonalties between all of the disciplinary outbreaks. If they see what sets the boys off then they prevent cause of the harassment, or at least create an opportunity to talk to the boys about their behavior. If the teachers pinpoint the cause of the boy’s disciplinary problems within the classroom, then they know how to solve the problem more effectively. A reason for their frustration within the classroom stems from the fact that Mark and Jake feel left out of the education process. If Mrs. Wilson’s teaching style revolves around lectures they become bored and act out because of their boredom. The difficulty lies in making students pay attention in the classroom if their families devalue education at home. The teaching style induces no stimulation for them to want to learn. By using multicultural education, Mrs. Wilson aims to instill a love of learning in the students. Perhaps if Mrs. Wilson incorporates other methods of learning like hands on learning, group projects, or presentations by students for the rest of the class then she receives more positive behavior from all her students. If she can relate the student’s life and how education increases knowledge, then she makes not only Mark and Jake realize the importance of education in their lives but the importance of education to all of her students’ lives. Mrs. Wilson tries to incorporate other multicultural ideas in her lesson plan in order to accommodate the behavior of Mark and Jake. When they cover the holocaust she shows them Schindler’s List to illustrate its impact on the Jewish people. Movies help show history in vivid detail, and the brutality of the film helps bring this terrible period in history to light. This helps her students realize that other people endure suffering, and by showing them a real example of suffering they might feel more compassion for others. She also shows that other groups have suffered more than her students. The suffering that their class endures pales in comparison to the plights of other ethnicities. When Mark and Jake see the brutality of war and the horrible consequences of fighting, they realize other methods for solving their internal conflicts exist. Mrs. Wilson also engages the students in a unique manner that tries to draw their attention onto examples that shape our modern day world. Examples that relate to the student’s lives impact students more forcefully instead of assigning them reading and expecting them to pick up all the material. By relating the assignments in class to their every day lives she shows them examples of how education better their own situation. The learning becomes much more personal and effects them more. Mrs. Wilson also changes the structure of her class. If she includes more history about the working class and their importance in situations like the Industrial Revolution, then she makes all the students from working class backgrounds feel more important and a sense of pride in their heritage. Nieto writes that teachers can â€Å"use the experiences and understandings her students bring to class rather than an exotic or irrelevant curriculum† (338). She needs to uphold and validate their culture because Mark and Jake feel like their culture contains no importance and that could be a reason for their lashing out. The punishments that the boys get assigned could take a more inventive twist in order to quelch their behavior. If assigned community service Mark and Jake see that many others in their community undergo more hardship then their families. Nieto also writes â€Å"opportunities for after-school work or community service can be provided in much more substantial ways than they currently are† (328). The boys gain a perspective on their own problems by comparing them to others less fortunate. Such epiphanies might improve their behavior in the classroom. Multicultural education starts in the classroom but affects a wide array of social problems. Discipline, if left untreated, expands into larger social ills, where the perpetrators leech off of everyone. The plague on society takes the form of welfare and jails where taxpayers bear the responsibility for those who refuse to help themselves. This societal failure can be avoided by trying to reach these children earlier in their academic careers so that they experience success later in life. Multicultural education remains the best way to retain those borderline students who otherwise get lost in the system. Mrs. Wilson employs many methods to try to reach Mark and Jake before they lose complete interest in school. First she tries to determine the root of the problem so that she knows the exact problem she is dealing with. Talking to the parents and other teachers gives a more comprehensive view to the situation. Once the boys’ frustration surfaces, Mrs. Wilson incorporates different teaching aspects into her lesson plan. Engaging the students makes them more interested in their education and lessens their tendency to act out. Relating the real world to their own lives makes them more involved members of society. Mark and Jake symbolize children whose problems generally run deeper than most teachers suspect. Multicultural education helps make these boys and all of the students in the classroom more productive members of society. If the boys stay off welfare then our tax dollars go towards improving other facets of life. The boys also become taxpayers who contribute to the solution rather than the problem. Without some intervention, children like Mark and Jake plague American society and benefit no one, including themselves. Hatred makes a disastrous problem that needs to be solved immediately, and multicultural education is one answer to that problem.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Fashion Channel †Case Study

The Fashion Channel – Case Study Exercise 1: What is expected outcome of each of the targeting scenarios? (complete both the Ad Revenue and Financial calculators to fully understand the financial impact of the scenarios) Exhibit 4: Ad Revenue Calculator TV HH Average Rating Average Viewers (thousands) Average CPM1 Average Revenue/Ad Minute2 Ad Minutes/Week Weeks/Year Ad Revenue/Year Incremental Programming Expense 1 Revenue/Thousand Viewer 2 Calculated by multiplying Average Viewers by Average CPM Current 2007 Base Scenario 1 110,000,000 110,000,000 110,000,000 1. % 1% 1. 2% 1,100 1,100 1,320 $2. 00 $1,80 $1,80 $2,200 $0 $0 2,016 2,016 2,016 52 52 52 $230,630,400 $0 $0 $0 $0 Scenario 2 110,000,000 0. 8% 880 $3,50 $0 2,016 52 $0 $15. 000. 000 Scenario 3 110,000,000 1. 2% 1,320 $2,50 $0 2,016 52 $0 $20. 000. 000 Exhibit 5: TFC Estimated Financials for 2006 and 2007 Revenue Ad Sales Affiliate Fees Total Revenue Expenses Cost of Operations Cost of Programming Ad Sales Commissions Marketing and Advertising SGA Total Expense Net Income Margin 2006 Actual 2007 Base Scenario 1 Scenario 2Scenario 3 Assumptions Insert scenario results from revenue calculator Grows 2% per year with population $230,630,400 $207,567,360 $249,080,832 $323,882,560 $345,945,600 $80,000,000 $310,630,400 $81,600,000 $81,600,000 $81,600,000 $81,600,000 $81,600,000 $81,600,000 $81,600,000 $81,600,000 $70. 000. 000 $72,100,000 $55. 000. 000 $55,000,000 $72,100,000 $55,000,000 $7,472,425 $60,000,000 $41,200,000 $72,100,000 $70,000,000 $9,686,477 $60,000,000 $41,200,000 $72,100,000 $75,000,000 $10,378,368 $60,000,000 $41,200,000Grows 3% per year with inflation Add incrementa l programming expense 3% of ad sales revenue Reflects increased spending of $15M Growing with inflation 3% Spradsheet calcuates automatically Spradsheet calcuates automatically Spradsheet calcuates automatically $6,918,912 $45,000,000 $40,000,000 $6,227,021 $60,000,000 $41,200,000 $216,918,912 $113,300,000 $113,300,000 $11 3,300,000 $113,300,000 $93,711,488 30% $54,640,339 19% $94,908,407 $151,496,083 $168,867,232 29% 37% 39% Exercise 2: Analyze the segmentation options and discuss pros and cons of each.Broad-Based Marketing Pros: When we compare the Net Income of the base 2007, the broad-based Marketing segment will deliver almost $40,000,000 more. Also by the investing in a major marketing and advertising campaign the Average Rating will increase from 1% to 1. 2%. Another advantage of this segment is that it does not need any additional costs of programming, like the other two segments. Cons: A disadvantage of this segment is that the competition would continue to penetrate the premium segments and further erode TFC? s pricing ability. In addition to that the average CPM will decrease $0,20 in comparison to the Current CPM.Fashionista Segmentation Pros: An advantage of this segment is that the Net Income in comparison to the Net Income of the Based 2007 will increase by almost $100,000,000. It is al so strong in highly valued 18-34 female demographics. Because of this the CPM will decrease to $3. 50 because of strengthen the value of the audience to the advertiser. It is also strong in highly valued 18-34 female demographics. Cons: To attract and retain the interest of this segment it is necessary to invest in new programming. This would mean they would have $15,000,000 more spending per year on programming.Another disadvantage it is smaller than the other two segments and represents only 15% of households, this can lead to a drop in the viewers of the other clusters. Another disadvantage is that the average Rating will decrease from 1. 0% to 0. 8%. Focus on the â€Å"Fashionistas† segment This segment was strong in the highly valued 18. 34 female demographic New programming are necessary to attract and retain the interest of this segment Spend 15$ million on programming Focus on â€Å"Fashionistas†, Planners and Shoppers and â€Å"Situationalists† Focus on Women aged between 18-24Fashionista plus Planners/Shoppers Segmentation Pros: An advantage of this segment is that the Net Income will increase more than $100,000,000 in comparison to the Net Income of the 2007 Base. Also the CPM will increase to $2,5 because of a dual targeting. In addition to this the average Rating will increase from 1% to 1. 2%. Cons: To ensure that there were selections aimed at both segments; Wheeler needs to spend $20,000,000 more on programming. Because of the determination only on this two segments it can be that the number of the loyal viewers of TCF will decrease.Exercise 3: If you were Dana Wheeler, what would you recommend and why? If I was Dana Wheeler I would recommend TCF that they should adopt Scenario 3. However, Scenario 3 has a few disadvantages. For example the possibility to lose some loyal viewers and furthermore TCF has to spend $20,000,000 more on programming which means investing a lot of money for them. But in my opinion, in Scenario 3, t he benefits exceed the disadvantages. On the one hand through this Scenario the Net Income will increase more than $100,000,000. In addition to that the CPM will increase to $2,5 and the verage Rating will increase from 1% to 1. 2%. On the other hand 50% of all US Television Households consist of Fashionistas and Planners/Shoppers. In these two markets the 18-34 year old female audience represents 50% and 25% of the cluster respectively. TCF should therefore increase the advertising revenue. The Scenario 3 is better than the Scenario 2 because Scenario 2 only focuses on the Fashionistas and doesn? t include Planners/Shoppers which are also important to consider. Target at â€Å"Fashionistas and the Shoppers/Planners Spend 20$ million on programming

Saturday, September 28, 2019

God, money, and poverty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

God, money, and poverty - Essay Example Only few people are becoming wealthy and successful while logically, a large number is becoming even poorer. The irony behind this is that God has blessed humanity with abundant resources to allow every soul on the planet to access a comfortable and descent life. The role of Christians is a critical issue in this context. Though poverty is a crucial occurrence, it is a multidimensional matter, surrounding not only the material subject of human life, but also its physical, social, spiritual, and social dimension. It is therefore essential to understand the concept of wealth and poverty in both the Biblical-Christian and economic perspective. A system cannot be viewed as efficient if it only improves the lot of simply a portion of the entire society. On the other hand, market efficiency cannot be the basic concern of the Christians. Keister (26) stated that there are vices of efficiency. Murder, theft, war, and slavery can all be reasons enough to the ruthless occurrences, regardless o f the fact that there is an ethical code where such efficiency can be achieved. No matter what people tend to believe, God has a place to fit in the equation of money and poverty. God loves each one of us but most probably, he hates some of our lifestyles, especially those that lead Christians astray. The whole idea behind wisdom of money and poverty is to offer a balanced perspective of how God wants people to view and handle money in their daily living. In a Godly perspective, human beings are portrayed symbolically as creatures whose convictions and attitudes are expressed in their body language. The relationship comes in with the sense that money and poverty are often conceived as figurative extensions of the human body on earth. What people do with money and how they cope with poverty discloses and also shapes the uniqueness of their human identity. In addition to this, the passion of acquiring money or wealth is traced back to their inner desires. Gilder (38) argues that what a man desires whole heartedly and with his entire soul and might is for God himself. Christians may confess faith in God using the Church Creeds, but their personality in relation to God is revealed through what they love most as well as what they worship. Rationally, money and the value that human beings attribute to it show their passionate and ultimate attachments either to the world or to God. It can also be argued that it is through money or charities to the poor that God intervenes in a person’s life. For instance, the Book of Proverbs provides that whoever is kind to the needy lends to God, and the Lord will repay him for his actions. God gives the best to those who share their wealth to the poor and this is what gives the best security for ever, for it is an act of worship. The pastoral nature of the Christians’ faith does not allow the issue of poverty in circumstances like sickness, famine, and homelessness to be just a matter of theological speculation. Our forefathers urged the faithful to be compassionate, to use their money as a manifestation of their faith in the Lord. Secular institutions in a worldly society label religion and treat it as irrelevant or peripheral to huge areas of life. They charge that religion, in this context; Christianity and economic production are not intrinsically related. Some critics argue that â€Å"religion cannot generate Grain,† implying that stewards of Christianity should not assume issues of economic productio

Friday, September 27, 2019

Reliability Standards&Regulations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Reliability Standards&Regulations - Essay Example t establishes a framework for eco-design requirements for Energy-using-Products which aims to contribute to sustainable development by increasing energy efficiency and protecting the environment while increasing the security of the energy supply. ‘Action should be taken during the design phase of EuP since it appears that the pollution caused during a product’s life cycle is determined at that stage, and most of the costs involved are committed then. If products have a standby mode, this is likely to be affected with a maximum consumption level in this mode. Standby mode is used where the equipment needs to be reactivated remotely or is required to carry out a function as displaying a clock. The maximum power consumption in standby mode depends on the equipment’s function and 1 watt decreasing to 0.5 watts is being proposed for products that use standby as a re-activation function only.. Televisions, microwave ovens, computer monitors, etc will need to be designed to ensure that this is not exceeded. This requirement has far-reaching implications as every function within a product circuitry will need to be reviewed to determine how the power consumption can be reduced. Many products cannot be completely shut down as the off-switch disconnects the input power supply from other parts of the equipment but does not disconnect the power supply from the mains. This is termed â€Å"Off-mode† and it is proposed to restrict power consumption of equipment in this mode initially to 1 watt and, two years later, to 0.5

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Techniques of Effective Discipline Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Techniques of Effective Discipline - Term Paper Example But if an employee fails to respect these rules, the employee’s behavior needs to be corrected. The entire purpose of discipline is to improve the employee’s behavior, and hence in turn improving work performance. This relationship is considered the most important factor that governs effective discipline in the work environment. If a manager gets along well with his employee and they develop an understanding, life in the workplace becomes fairly easy. A good manager would take time to go through the work of the employee and would not hesitate to give positive as well as negative feedback. This would motivate the employee to improve and actually perform better. For example: if a manager were to give negative feedback, point out mistakes and rebuff the employee, everytime he submitted an assignment, and not compliment the employee for submitting it before the deadline or even when he did a good job , then obviously the employee would be extremely demotivated and would not try to improve. Hence, it is extremely essential for the manager to be supportive, helpful and encouraging so that the employee strives to do a better job. Whenever an employee makes a mistake the manager should explain what went wrong and then guide the employee on how to correct the mistake. This not only motivates the employee but it could help to make him enjoy his work. Positive reinforcement is one of the primary techniques in effective discipline and one the most successful one. It is a known fact that people work harder and better when they are rewarded for doing something right than when they are punished to do something wrong (B.F.Skinner, 2011). If an employee has never been late to work or has always submitted his assignments on time, the manager should praise him in the monthly meeting so that he keeps up the good work. Not only that, other employees might learn from

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Should euthanasia be permitted in cases of terminally ill patients Research Paper

Should euthanasia be permitted in cases of terminally ill patients - Research Paper Example This ethical issue comes in view when a patient seeks death for himself/herself if the diseases are incurable, the cost is too high for the family to bear or he/she does not want to endure the pain any longer. This is not an easy decision for himself/herself and for the family as it accounts to a suicide. Euthanasia or the mercy killing therefore leads to opposing views from various sides, leading to controversy. Is mercy killing right legally, morally and ethically? Is it right or wrong? Types of Euthanasia: Euthanasia is derived from Greek term meaning â€Å"good death†. It has not gained acceptance because of legal and ethical issues involved with it. Euthanasia is classified into two types – the Active and the Passive Euthanasia. The term, Active Euthanasia is used when a patient’s life is cut short by the physicians at their own discretion, after the patients express their wish. Passive Euthanasia refers to withholding of treatment that would have helped the patient to survive in this world. Active euthanasia: The supporters of Active Euthanasia believe that the person is â€Å"better off dead† instead of continuing to live a life of â€Å"severely diminished quality† (Paterson, 2008). ... It might be viewed as homicide by skeptics, and is being condemned by the authorities and moralists around the world. Passive Euthanasia: Active Euthanasia might be unacceptable to the people on moral and ethical grounds but on the other hand quite a sizable number accept Passive Euthanasia. No doubt, a person undergoing Passive Euthanasia will experience some pain after the removal of life sustaining aids until he/she dies, but there are various reasons why it is accepted. â€Å"Firstly, treatment might simply be futile and hence incapable of benefiting the patient. Second, the treatment will be highly cost –effective.† (Garrard and Wilkinson, 2005). Thirdly the treatment should be withdrawn as it is excessively harmful. The fourth reason would be the patient may refuse to undergo treatment. Some treatment may have extreme pain or some may have a less probability of success, the failure of the treatment may cause extreme levels of burdens and poor quality of life. So u nder these circumstances the treatment refusal leads to passive euthanasia though the physician is aware of the effects of it. (Garrard and Wilkinson, 2005) Issues on Euthanasia: There is no major moral difference between killing a suffering patient and letting them to die. The Active Euthanasia is more or less killing and Passive Euthanasia is letting the patient die by removing the life sustaining aids. The first doctor, who was charged of Euthanasia, was Harold Blazer in 1935. He killed his daughter who was suffering from cerebral spinal meningitis. He killed her by placing a chloroform handkerchief on her nose till she stopped breathing. She was thirty when he killed her. In the trial he was acquitted on moral grounds. The first doctor to be found guilty was Joseph

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Regression Analysis on Marathon Finishing Times Research Paper

Regression Analysis on Marathon Finishing Times - Research Paper Example These five variables were taken to be independent variables but the marathon finishing time was taken to be dependent. The main procedure utilized in this study was regression analysis. It was utilized to explain the total variation of the dependent variable, the marathon finishing time. The dependent variable was accompanied by 5 variables, which were tested against the dependent variable to determine how much of the total variation is explained. The analyses also discussed the comparison of the different regression models, and determine which model is the most effective. In regards to the regression analysis results, it is clearly evident that model 4 and 5 are the strongest model and model 1 being the weakest. Model 2 and 3 does not apply because of the reasons given .Therefore, the number of half marathon run, age and number of days of training a week have an influence on the half marathon finishing time that is related to the athlete performance. The numbers of half marathon run and number of days of training a week have a negative moderate influence on the half marathon finishing time, while the age has a weak positive influence on the half marathon finishing time. ... ed criteria, which normally entails perceived potential in relation to perceived athletic career cost and the level of achievements ( Lundqvist and Hassmen2009). Successful athletic careers are related to achieving individual peak in performance that corresponds to individual environment and resources (Lavallee and Wylleman, 2000).There are factors which are believed to affect the performance of the athlete and this study was to ascertain this basing on few chosen factors among several others ( Lundqvist and Hassmen,2009). The first factor chosen is age which is known to affect the performance of the athlete, the second one is number of sleeping hours, then number of time eating out a week, the number of days of training a week and the number of marathons ran. All this factors have been supported by research to have an influence to the athlete performance (Lavallee and Wylleman, 2000) and it was my task to prove this on the 37 athletes who are specialized in running half marathon. Re gression Analysis The survey conducted was from runners at a local 5k here on Guam. A questionnaire was used to collect the data and the sample was randomly selected. This was important because it represented the population of athlete. The challenge faced during data collection was that some individuals were never willing to respond. The first regression analysis step was to input all the collected data from the surveys into a spreadsheet. This process allows efficient running of regression models. After all the data was entered, there was formulation of the initial regression model. The first model consists of my Y variable that was the half marathon finishing time and one independent variable that was age. Different models were run to ascertain which model was the strongest as well as to

Monday, September 23, 2019

Modern Art - Avant-Garde, Cubism, Russian Design Essay

Modern Art - Avant-Garde, Cubism, Russian Design - Essay Example The essay "Modern Art - Avant-Garde, Cubism, Russian Design" explores movements and artists of the modern art. The researcher of the paper also analyzes Charles Jencks's opinion about avant-garde. Jencks’ theoretical considerations about art were based on his views on European and American art development. Jencks underlined that a ‘mythical’ modern man required ‘multiple coding’ in art in order to satisfy his aesthetical needs. A concept of â€Å"participatory design† implied that an architect would follow not only his tastes, but also tastes of other people, residents and participants. Jencks claimed that avant-garde potential may blossom in case its revolutionary nature would be embodied not in academies, but on a broader space. The main idea of avant-garde art is a transfer of initial idea of public interests and not only tastes of the artist. The main three stages of avant-garde art are: Cubism, Futurism or Surrealism. Cubism was known for innovations of form; Futurists and Surrealists were focused on a non-traditional reality transfer; a reflection of reality in movement. â€Å"Gardens like cities are whispering games in which the key is to pass on meaning even as it changes.† And â€Å"Design is like a conversation, if you knew the outcome it wouldn’t be worth having†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Thus Charles Jencks was sure that avant-garde art is a perfect chance to embody hidden and unseen aspects of reality. Thus an avant-garde artist should reflect not only his ideas, but also public vision of reality of modernity.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Health Care Reform (case study) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health Care Reform (case study) - Essay Example nges in the US health care system; and the proposed plan would not reduce healthcare costs until US citizens change the way they perceive their own health improvement. The plan was strongly supported by the Wellpoint CEO Angela Braly, one of the most powerful women in the United States. She states that â€Å"the high and rising cost of healthcare in America is just not sustainable† (as cited in Dayen, 2009). Braly criticizes the previous healthcare system administered by the federal government as she believes that it was inefficient to promote healthcare quality. She also believes that previous policy was a threat to government’s social and fiscal obligations and welfare of the American society. In addition, she recommends that insurance companies have a significant role to plan in promoting this healthcare initiative. However, Republicans, as reported by Herwood (2010) strongly oppose the proposed healthcare reform initiative and they argue that the Obama administration is deceiving the country through this healthcare reform. Republicans argue that the low government reimbursement rates under this plan would adversely affect the financial interests of doctors. In addition, this reform proposal is likely to increase government spending by approximately $2 trillion. They also fear that the initiative will cause to create numerous bureaucracies, which in turn negatively affect the government’s role in healthcare. Finally, they argue that new fees and other charges will be indirectly passed to clients through premium increases. While analyzing the Obama’s new healthcare reform legislation, it seems that this plan does not fit with the recommendations discussed above. The healthcare reform plan did not give any focus on socio-cultural aspects of the American society. Hence, the reform cannot effectively meet its aimed objectives, particularly cutting of health care costs. In addition, this legislation caused nearly 20 million of Americans to lose their employer

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Birthright citizenship in the United States of America Essay Example for Free

Birthright citizenship in the United States of America Essay In â€Å"Americanism,† Theodore Roosevelt describes the meaning of hyphenated Americans and their lives in the United States. There was no room in Roosevelt’s America for immigrants or sons of immigrants, who cling to the speech, the customs, the way of life, and the habits of thought from the old world which they have left. The hyphenated American is not an American at all. Those immigrants who hyphenated their Americanism, modifying it with the land of their or their parents’ birth, were and could not be true Americans. These Americans also can vote and be the primarily citizen of a foreign country. Roosevelt writes that the foreign-born population must be an Americanized population. They must talk the language of its native-born fellow-citizens; possess American citizenship, American ideas and maintain an American standard of living. The immigrants must not to be allowed to drift or to be put at the mercy of the exploiter. According to Roosevelt, America cannot afford to keep a lot of immigrants as industrial assets and not as human beings. We also cannot pay low wages to immigrants, and keep immigrants working on American mines, railways or working in our munitions plants because it is dangerous. All United States citizens must stand shoulder to shoulder for the elimination of race and religious prejudice. We must also improve maintenance of the American standard of living; direct every national resource, material and spiritual, and train our people to overcome difficulties. We can do all this work in a democratic country where all people have equal rights and hopes for a good future life.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Global Standardisation Or International Adaptation

Global Standardisation Or International Adaptation In the International Marketing field, the debate of standardisation as against adaptation has been significantly researched in the past and is still a highly debatable issue. This debate commenced in 1961 as indicated by Vignali and Vrontis, (1999). Initially this debate mainly focussed on international standardisation with regards to advertising. However, recently, this debate has been extended from just advertising to promotions mix and now to all the seven Ps of the marketing mix (Kanso, A.,, 2004). A brief review of literature also indentifies adaptation and standardisation as the two main tactics by international marketers for business longevity (Vrontis, D., et al, 2009). In the last four decades, according to Ryans (2003), there has been extensive academic research done in the field of international marketing standardisation. However in the past, economic development was concentrated on surplus of exports as compared to imports and hence, firms mainly focused on merely minimising costs to increase their exports. However, in this increasingly competitive and changing international market, firms have realised that cost minimisation is not just enough for gaining a competitive advantage. Nowadays, firms have become more consumers oriented and have developed techniques to satisfy and understand customer preferences and needs. (Vrontis, D., et al, 2009) The objective of this essay is to understand the issue of whether a business should adopt an international marketing mix strategy which is standardized globally or adapted internationally as per individual markets. In the quest to expand their presence worldwide, acquire higher market share, increase profitability and overcome market saturation issues, internationally oriented firms continually seek for new growth opportunities (Vrontis, D., et al, 2009). According to Vrontis (2006) whenever a firm decides to market their products internationally the fundamental decision for marketers is whether to use a global marketing strategy with a standardized marketing mix or whether to adjust and adapt the elements of the marketing mix according to the unique local target market. However, Vrontis (2006) suggests that according to the literature companies make contingency choices, which relate to key determinants in each circumstance (Vrontis, D., et al, 2009, p.3). The primary distinction between global standardisation or global marketing and international adaption in international marketing management is orientation. Standardisation forms the basis of global marketing management which views the world a s a single market where as on the other hand international marketing management is guided by an adapted marketing strategy (Cateora Graham, 1999). The basis of standardization in marketing as argued by Chung, 2007, is the comparison of a firms domestic and international marketing operations. In standardization, firms standardize all their marketing mix components. Chung further suggested that the extent to which the firms should standardize their marketing functions should be assessed. He has also highlighted in his research paper, the interaction method which helps to identify the influencing factors in selecting the standardization strategy (Ryans, J., et al., 2003). Buzzell (1995) have stated that the dissimilarities amongst countries have led international firms to redesign their marketing planning according the country in which it is operating. However, he further said that this situation is changed and he recognized potential gains for firms who adopt standardization of marketing practices. Chung (2007) further argued that culture has a major effect on just the promotional element of the marketing mix. This suggests that firms should use an adapted promotional approach when entering a different cultural environment (Vrontis, D., et al, 2009, p.3) and culture has a very minimal effect on product, price and place. Backhaus and Van, J., (2007) claims that standardisation is a trade off between the possible economic benefits of a standardised approach, as well as the performance gains attained by adapting to the needs of local markets. Marketers who support global standardisation tactics argue that consumers live in a globalized world in which nation-states are not the major determinants of marketing activities; and in which consumer tastes and cultures are homogenised and satisfied through the provision of standardised global products created by global corporations (Vrontis, D., et al, 2009; Dicken, P., 1998). Levitt, 1983 said that multinational firms have moved from customising items to offering globally standardised products which are better, more reliable and lower in price. According to Levitt, multinational firms who concentrate on particular consumer preferences become puzzled and are unable to see the big picture. Levitt strongly recommends that standardisation will bring success in the long term by concentrating on what majority wants (Levitt, T., 1983). The main reasons as suggested by Papavassilou and Stathakopoulos (1997) that add values to Levitts thesis is because it allows international firms to maintain brand identity globally and helps firms to maintain a consistent global image. It also reduces the confusion with regards to perceptions of travelling customers or buyers allowing firms to adopt a single tactical approach and enables them to reduce production costs by taking advantage of economies of scales in production. Levitts, 1983 suggests that standardisation on a tactical level is very important for global markets. He further argues that global firms which operate on standardised functions, at lower cost, can consider the entire world to be a single market and can sell product in the same manner globally. Keegan Green, (2000) supports Levitt by stating that standardised global marketing is similar to mass marketing in one country involving similar marketing mix strategies. This approach of global standardisation of the marketing mix is opposed by the researchers who support international adaptation approach. According to Vrontis et al, 2009, Supporters of adaptation declare that the assumptions underlining global standardisation philosophy are contradicted by the facts. Jain, (1989, p. 71) has stated that, Standardisation is at best difficult and, at worst, impractical (Jain, S., 1989, p. 71). According to Ruigrok and Tulder (1995), Globalisation seems to be as much of an overstatement as it is an ideology. Ruigrok and Tulder (1995) further stated that it is not possible to effectively market by using standardized marketing mix methods everywhere. Helming (1982) and Youovich (1982) challenged the basic assumption of the standardisation approach and argues that similar buying motives of international consumers may, at best, be simplistic and at worst, dangerous(Vrontis, D., et. al, 2009, p.3). Hence, supporters of international adaptation argue that minor or major adaptations in the elements of the marketing mix are vital and necessary in meeting the target market demands. According to them, different international markets are subject to different micro and macro-environmental considerations and hence standardisation of the marketing mix is not feasible. The marketing mix consists of seven components namely product, price, place, people, process, positioning and promotion. Any possibility of a global marketing mix suggests that the same configuration of the seven Ps could be applicable internationally, regardless of cultural and conditional differences. Some businesses do focus on global standardization; however, current data suggests the need for local adaptation. This may be achieved by carefully analyzing the regional market segmentation (Semenik, R.,, 1995). Hassan, Craft and Kortam (2003) has distinguished three important market segmentations namely, those group of countries which have a similar product demand, different countries in different region which already have the same product and Universal segment which are present in most countries. The other drivers considered by multinational companies with respect to segmentation and operating in the international markets can be divided into macro factors such as political, e conomic, technological, geographic, etc. and micro factors which include consumer tastes, preferences, lifestyles, attitudes, etc. Lipman (1988) has supported international adaptation strategy because in his view, the global-marketing theory itself is bankrupt and bunk (Vrontis, D.,, 2009, p.3). The standardization concept which once rushed executives to reconfigure their marketing strategies are now feeling duped. The differences in the customer characteristics, climatic conditions, culture, consumer behaviour and other factors are in the ascendency and having a single global marketing strategy is a vague concept. On the other hand, the huge costs involved in adaptation and the benefits of standardisation, may not allow adaptation to be used extensively (Vrontis, D., 2005). Adaptation and Standardisation are two extreme schools of thought. The view of adopting any one of these two strategies is rejected by researchers, authors and marketers who have found it difficult to apply these strategies in practice. For them, global standardisation and international adaptation is not a proposition, but a matter of degree. Diversity amongst countries does not permit global standardisation. They have stressed on the necessity of simultaneously using both international adaptation and global standardisation wherever necessary. (Sorenson, R.,, 1975; Prahalad, C.,, 1986; Boddewyn, J., et al., 1986; Douglas, S.,, 1987; Kim, W.,, 1987; Choi, K.,, 1996; Terpstra, V.,, 1997; Vanaij, W., 1997; Hennessey, J., 2001; Vrontis, D., 2003; Vrontis, D.,, 2005). The best example of an effective international marketing firm which adopts an integrated approach of standardisation and adaptation is McDonalds. The firm has expanded internationally by branding globally and adapting to the local tastes. (Vignali, C., 2001). Successful multinational firms should incorporate elements of both approaches. Hence, incorporating both concepts means that global firms must try to standardise as many elements of the marketing mix as possible and also follow necessary adaptation in order to satisfy market needs. To conclude, the goals of market complexity and cost reduction may influence firms to consider standardisation where as customer orientation may lead them towards adaptation but by incorporating both will help firms gain a competitive advantage and above average returns. References: Backhaus, K. and Van, J., (2007), Consumer perceptions of advertising standardisation: a cross-country study of different advertising categories, International Management Review, Vol. 3 No. 4, p. 37. Boddewyn, J., Soehl, R., and Picard, J., (1986), Standardisation in international marketing: is Ted Levitt in fact right?, Business Horizons, Vol. 29, pp. 69-75. Buzzell, R., Quelch, J., and Bartlett, C., (1995), Global Marketing Management, Cases and Readings, 3rd ed., Addison-Wesley, New York, NY. Choi, K., and Jarboe, T., (1996), Mass customization in power plant design and construction, Power Engineering, Vol. 100, No. 1, pp. 33-6. Chung, H., (2007), International marketing standardisation strategies analysis:a cross-national investigation, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing, Vol. 19 No. 2, pp. 145-67. Dicken, P., (1998), Global Shift, Transforming the World Economy, 3rd ed., Paul Chapman, London. Douglas, S., and Wind, Y., (1987), The myth of globalization, Columbia Journal of World Business, Vol. 22, pp. 19-29. Hassan, S.S., Craft, S. and Kortam, W. (2003), Understanding the new bases for global market segmentation, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 446-62. Helming, A. (1982), Pitfalls lie waiting for unwary marketers, Advertising Age, n.d., p. M-8. Hennessey, J., (2001), Global Marketing Strategies, 5th ed., Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA. Jain, S.C. (1989), Standardisation of international marketing strategy: some research hypotheses, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 53, pp. 70-9. Kanso, A., and Kitchen, P., (2004), Marketing consumer services internationally: localisation and standardisation revisited, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 87-94. Keegan, W., and Green, M., (2000), Global Marketing, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Kim, W., and Mauborgne, R., (1987), Cross-cultural strategies, The Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 7, pp. 31-40. Levitt, T., (1983), The globalization of markets, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 61, pp. 92-102. Lipman, J., (1988), Marketers turn sour on global sales pitch Harvard guru makes, Wall Street Journal, 12 May, p. 17. Papavassiliou, N., and Stathakopoulos, V., (1997), Standardisation versus adaptation of international advertising strategies: towards a framework, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 31 No. 7, pp. 504-27. Prahalad, C., and Doz, Y., (1986), The Multinational Mission: Balancing Local Demands and Global Vision, the Free Press, New York, NY. Ruigrok, W., and van Tulder, R., (1995), The Logic of International Restructuring, Routledge, London. Ryans, J., Griffth, D., and White, D., (2003), Standardization/adaptation of international strategy: necessary conditions for the advancement of knowledge, International Marketing Review, Vol. 20 No. 6, pp. 588-603. Semenik, R., and Bamossy, G., (1995), Principles of Marketing, a Global Perspective South Western, Cincinnati, USA. Sorenson, R., and Wiechmann, U., (1975), How multinationals view marketing standardisation, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 53, pp. 38-48. Terpstra, V., and Sarathy, R., (1997), International Marketing, 7th ed., Dryden Press, Fort Worth, TX. Vanraij, W., (1997), Globalisation of marketing communication?, Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 18, No, 2/3, pp. 259-70. Vignali, C., 2001, McDonalds: think global, act local the marketing mix, British Food Journal, Vol. 103, No. 2, p. 97. Vignali, C., and Vrontis, D., (1999), An International Marketing Reader, The Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester. Vrontis, D., (2003), Integrating adaptation and standardisation in international marketing, the AdaptStand modelling process, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 19, No. 3/4, pp. 283-305. Vrontis, D., (2005), The creation of the AdaptStand process in international marketing, Journal of Innovative Marketing, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 7-21. Vrontis, D., and Papasolomou, I., (2005), The use of entry methods in identifying multinational companies AdaptStand behaviour in foreign markets, Review of Business, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 13-20. Vrontis, D., Thrassou, A., and Lamprianou, I., (2009), International marketing adaptation versus standardization of multinational companies, Journal of International Marketing Review, Vol. 20, No. 4/5, pp. 477-500. Vrontis, D., Thrassou, A., and Vignali, C., (2006), The country-of-origin effect, on the purchase intention of apparel opportunities and threats for small firms, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 3, Nos 3/4, pp. 459-76. Youovich, B., (1982), Maintain a balance of planning, Advertising Age, n.d., p. M-7.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essays --

Different people, cultures, and nations have a wide variety of expectations about how much privacy is entitled to or what constitutes an invasion of privacy. Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information. Personal privacy has been declining in the past year which is caused by today’s technological society. With the latest technology such as face scanners, data collecting, and highly advanced software’s, privacy can be compromised, which is exactly what is being done today and it is unconstitutionally intrusive. In particular The NSA or National Security Agency was reported to collect massive amounts of data from the citizens of the United States and many other foreign countries. This data was not obtained with the permission of the people but obtained in secrecy and the majority of the data that was collected was â€Å"phone metadata, or information about who you call, when you called them, where you called them, what kind of carrier you were using, and more† (Kelly 2). With this kind of information being obtained people’s lives can be perceived by ...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Awakening: Concepts of Morality :: essays research papers

The Awakening: Concepts of Morality   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The novel The Awakening, of which the author is Kate Chopin, drags its readers down into a poor mentality. The reader is shown how morals are scarcely used in common ordinance by Mrs. Pontellier. The reader is thrown from one incident of insubordination in a quarrel with Mr. Pontellier into her neglect for her children and then is heaved into Mrs. Pontellier’s obsessive nature as an adulteress.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Any insight into Mrs. Pontellier’s too-free-spirited nature would have one’s insides turn opposite of God’s Will. From the beginning of the book, the reader sees that Mrs. Pontellier is irrational, self-obsessed, and perhaps intolerable. This image is brought on by her insistent attitude that she must have everything in the manner that she desires. Her insubordination in this society would have the denizens of the time returning quite spiteful glances at Mrs. Pontellier. A quote to help one picture the ill-willed persistence carried by Mrs. Pontellier was mentioned when the book summarizes her emotions: â€Å"She perceived that her will had blazed up, stubborn and resistant. She could not at that moment have done other than denied and resisted (P.31).† Her insistent attitude also made her self-righteous and neglectful of other persons.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In other ways, Mrs. Pontellier’s morality led to a dreadful deceit of her own children. Her self-righteous mindset was damaging to her children’s vitality. The ways that she treated the children were full of neglect. As in a certain night, Mr. Pontellier returned home from work to find that one of his children had a fever. Mrs. Pontellier refused to look at the child because she stated that â€Å"He had gone to bed perfectly well . . . and nothing had ailed him all day (P.5).† Mr. Pontellier knew that his child had a fever, but could do nothing about it, and was left to ponder that his wife was a habitual neglecter of their children. He told her this and she did nothing. As a neutral detail, Mr. Pontellier had no idea what his beloved wife had on her mind.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Mrs. Pontellier’s mind hovered the ever-present thought of another man, other than her husband. During most of the story, the man that Mrs. Pontellier fancied was Robert. Robert was an intriguing man that she met during the summers that were spent at Grand Isle. She had always been fond of the man, but he showed her little interest out of respect for her marriage.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Essay --

Romanticism is a type of literature that focuses on the author’s imagination. Many authors have helped define the Romantic genre of literature with one of a kind archetypes and elements that can be perfectly executed by one of a kind authors. Romanticism brings peoples imagination and dreams to life for all others to read and appreciate. There have been countless authors who have devoted their entire careers to writing literature that has defined this genre. Mary Shelley is one author that has written a story that has made a lasting impact through generations. Her story Frankenstein has been an important cornerstone in Romantic literature ever since it was written. The story contains many Romantic elements that are defined uniquely such as childhood, nature, and a story about the individual. This story has a big stress on childhood from the very beginning. The novel Frankenstein begins with the protagonist Victor Frankenstein as a child. During the first few chapters the novel discusses the events in his childhood such as his family adopting Elizabeth and shows how his studies as a child shape the person he was to become. â€Å"Elizabeth was of a calmer and more concentrated disposition† (Shelley). Frankenstein uses lines like this one throughout the first few chapters to foreshadow to the reader the type of people that the characters were destined to be from childhood. This shows the innocent and everlasting kindness and gentleness of Elizabeth, the craving for knowledge that powered Victor, and the loyalty of Henry. For the reader, being able to read how the characters begin the story as young children that grow into adults as you read the story, helps builds a strong emotional relationship between the characters and reader. Besides... ...uld contain a huge void that would be hard for someone else to fill. Shelley is one of the authors that mastered the Romantic genre in a way that nobody else can execute. She showed that writing Romantic literature was something entertaining to the audience. She gave people stories that could take them away from their normal daily lives and put them in a fantasyland that was extravagantly laid out for the reader. She made characters that the reader were able to connect too emotionally and care for, making them want to read more. Shelley showed her mastery in Frankenstein with helping the reader connect through childhood, create a landscape with nature, and keeping suspense by only letting the reader know what was going on from the individual, and not giving away too much information. She was a one of a kind author whose impact on literature will never be forgotten.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Various Shades of George Bernard Shaw

Topic 1: What is Andragogy and how is it relevant to training and development? Andragogy is the term used to describe ‘the art and science of teaching adults’ (Delahaye, 2011). It focuses on the post-school vocational education, where the adults learning needs are the main importance and also should allow them to take responsibility for their own learning (Delahaye, 2011). In this sense, the differences between andragogy and pedagogy are related to not only the way content is taught, but also the progression of learning.Andragogy is relevant to training and development as concerns with the practical issues of trainers are coming into existence in relation to an effective way of using resources and the most suitable training methods (Jones, 1980). Therefore, as advances in knowledge are increasing, training and development programs need to be constantly altered and maintained to ensure that employees (adults) are processing this information. Andragogy is conceptualised in literature through conducting research to address what exactly is andragogy and what are the main issues in accordance to training and development.In relation to police training and development, police officers valued four distinct areas – engagement, practicality, affiliation, and efficiency (Olivia, 2009). Firstly, police officers valued classrooms that were ‘interesting and inspiring’ (Olivia, 2009), as they preferred trainers who were enthusiastic and engaged their students. Police officers also preferred the content being delivered that can be applied to their own real-life experiences on the job. Officers really emphasised the importance of the classroom environment in relation to social interaction and classroom layout.Police officers that were involved in the training and development session wanted a chance to interact with others, including the trainer. This allowed for them to learn from eachothers’ experiences (Olivia, 2009). It was also report ed that the classroom should be laid out in a manner that provides the trainer the opportunity to deliver the content in an ‘efficient and effective manner’ (Olivia, 2009). They preferred classes that were well managed in relation to the time period. Therefore, it is demonstrated in research and results that andragogy is all about the motivation and preferences of the student.It is also mentioned that andragogy is ‘a learning theory, not a teaching theory’ (Mc Auliffe, 2009). Andragogy is explained through the ‘andragogical model’ composed by Knowles (Mc Auliffe, 2009). This model addresses the issues on the learning process of adults. There are four issues that make up this model. Firstly, it is important to explain to the student why they need to learn a particular topic. Secondly, the trainer has to show the learner how to direct themselves through the content, so that they can take responsibility and be motivated to learn.The content also h as to enable the student to be able to relate their own experience to the components being delivered. An adult learner needs to have a ‘life-centered, task-centered or problem-centered’ (Mc Auliffe, 2009). Adults prefer to learn when they are ready and motivated to do so. Through conducting research and going back to the words of academics, it is explained in literature what andragogy is (in a practical sense) and its utter most importance in training and development programs. There are many differences between andragogy and the way children learn. They differ in relation to certain characteristics about learning.For example, the need to know, the learner’s self-concept, the role of experience, the readiness to learn, the orientation to learning and motivation (Delahaye, 2011). It is shown that children are being spoon fed content in a controlled environment, where they are more influenced by external factors. In andragogy, it is all about the needs, the experien ces and self-motivational factors of the adult. For contrast, the pedagogical model developed by Knowles (Mc Auliffe, 2009) involved the communication of knowledge and skills, where ‘the teacher decides in advance what knowledge or skill needs to be transmitted’ (Mc Auliffe, 2009).It is then that it is up to the teacher when and how information is going to be taught. Pedagogy is a teaching theory, not a learning one (Mc Auliffe, 2009). Andragogy is therefore the transition from school education to post-school education. Andragogical principles is a process of providing techniques and relevant resources to help adults obtain the knowledge and skills and also allow the trainer to prepare to involve them in the learning process.Therefore for adults to develop on their skills and knowledge, it is important that they want to learn and are motivated to do so. Without this, there would be no progression. In connection with the design of the tutorial training session, I believe that andragogy is going to be very useful. In a classroom, at one point in class, a majority of the group get ‘bored’ and drift off in their own world. So therefore, it is important to ensure to come up with an activity that everyone can have fun with and would want to participate in.With the importance of ensuring that students know why the need to learn, how they are going to go about learning and the amount of relativeness to their past experiences, the training session needs to be something that everyone can relate to. Everyone needs to be involved in the process of learning the desired knowledge and skills. Andragogy is all about the culture, systems and structures that make up the adult learning environment (Nicholas, 2008), which is key for a successful training session. In conclusion, Andragogy is all about the needs and experiences of the learning process of the adult.It transcends from pedagogy, in a sense that the learning process has moved focus from a spoo n fed controlled environment, to a different environment where the progression of learning is the student’s responsibility. This is relevant and very important to training and development, because, in reality, adults cannot be spoon fed the knowledge and skills needed in the working environment. They need to be more motivated and be informed of the reasons and procedures of training and development programs in order to progress and accept that they need to learn.

Mountain Man Brewing Company Essay

Problem Definition Mountain Man Brewing Company (MMBC) has enjoyed being in top position in premium beer segment for the past fifty years and are now facing a 2% decline in revenue whilst a change in leadership infuses new energy to bring a change in their product line. Chris Prangel, son of the retired president and owner of MMBC faces the challenge of successfully implementing a marketing strategy to introduce a ‘light’ beer; in a growing beer segment, as maintaining status-quo would no more be an option to sustain their existing position in marketplace in the next five years. Analysis Strengths Mountain Man Brewing Company was known as the â€Å"Best Beer in West Virginia† because of its flavor and distinctive bitter taste; additionally, it was selected as â€Å"America’s Championship Lager† at the American Beer Championship in 2005. Also, it had held the top market position in the lager market in West Virginia for almost 50 years. As a result, Mountain Man succeeded at the beer market by earning over $50 million and selling over 520,000 barrels of Mountain Man Lager beer within the West Central region. Mountain Man had high brand awareness, and it was especially recognizable among working-class males in the East Central region because of its product quality, positioning, and brand equity. In order to keep favorable relationship with its customers, Mountain Man had many branding activities. Hence, Mountain Man Brewing Company remained strongly in the beer market due to its strong brand loyalty as they capitalised on the ‘local’ factor. Weaknesses Mountain Man Brewing Company produced only one product, Mountain Man Lager, and distributed to only the West Central region with limited distributions. Moreover, Mountain Man targeted on only one segment, the blue-collar men who are mid-age and above. Although its core consumers love Mountain Man Lager, the market product preference had changed to light beer instead of traditional beer; therefore, Mountain Man Lager was rated very low as a purchasing preference. Unlike many other major beer producers, Mountain Man did not have any advertisement; in fact, it relied only on word of mouth. Mountain Man might not have enough money to launch Mountain Man Light that follows the modern trend. Opportunity Mountain Man can consider three possible opportunities, which increases potential consumers and gain revenues. Firstly, number of younger beer drinkers has been consistently increased and expected to positively influence the growth of the profits. Secondly, If Mountain Man launches light beer category, it may reach younger drinkers who both show positive attitudes towards light beer and brand awareness of Mountain Man itself. The likability of younger drinkers toward the light beer will optimistically affect the MMBC’s revenue ( Exhibit 1). Lastly, by expending product lines, product and distributors may build stronger beneficial relationship with brewers. Threats One of the threats Mountain Man Brewing Company faced was the declining overall beer consumption per capita by 2.3% since 2001 in United States of America. According to the case, the declining consumption is attributed to the competition from wine and spirit-based drinks, an increase in federal excise tax, initiatives encouraging moderation and personal responsibility, and increasing health concerns. Furthermore, categorising Distributors might also be a threat to this company because they became more cautious as they could refuse to work with small brands that have low margins and turnover. The increasing number of large breweries is also a challenge the company in the market to remain profitable; smaller companies are put on pressure to stay in the beer market. Alternatives 1. Introducing Mountain Man ‘Light’: If Chris goes ahead and launches a beer less strong than the premium lager beer using Mountain Man’s brand name as ‘Mountain Man Light’, it would result in increase in revenues as they would be entering into a growing light beer market segment and the existing brand image might help them reduce advertising costs. However, this move will make them lose their existing customer’s loyalty, along with product cannibalization, brand erosion and might not be perceived well by the existing customers as well their target customers. 2. Introducing Light Beer by some other name: Choosing a new brand name for the light beer has a slight edge over choosing Mountain Man Light. As discussed in the case, there is a chance of the company losing its identity when they are in midst of other light beers such as Coors Light. Creating a brand identity would be difficult as customers might not find it easy to recognize yet another beer which ends with ‘Light’. In addition to the benefits in the first alternative, creating a new brand name for the light beer would make sure there is no brand dilution or cannibalization. However there could be additional advertising costs and they cannot leverage the existing strong brand name. Recommendations I would recommend to go ahead with the second alternative of not naming the light beer as Mountain Man Light and to give a different name as it targets a younger population who look for healthier beer drinking by consuming fewer calories while maintaining the same level of alcohol intake. Brand Identity: Creating a brand identity for a new product would be challenging. However, a growing market segment would always be on the lookout of new products and this might work in favor to MMBC. To distinguish the light beer from other competitors they will have to come up with a creative tag line for their beer. Target Market: Based on the given statistics it appears that customers of the age group between 21 and 27 are the highest percentage of people who would favor light beer. They should amend their marketing campaigns to suit this new target market. Promotion: MMBC should concentrate on making their promotion campaigns more effective. They must promote light beer in pubs, discos and night clubs. The light beer segment is in growth stage of the product life cycle which indicates soaring sales, increasing revenues, and growing consumers. To make full use of it an effective marketing campaign spanning across different media must be undertaken.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Use Of Ethical Behavior Commerce Essay

Yes, in the concern leading, if ethical is used it will pay off in the long tally. Through the apprehension of the common ethical issues like quality, safety, belongings, and human relationship in the work place, are the specialised cognition will help in the development of concern leading through its leaders. To pay off in the long tally of the concern leading by the leaders. Harmonizing to the three theoreticians, of the three bookmans, Heifetz, Burns and Greenleaf: The value in the workplace depends on the followings of the leader which involves certain authorization for the public presentation. Besides within the workplace there are ( some ) codification of moralss which are necessary ( should ) to be followed by the leaders and employees ( people ) of the company in order to keep ( for the maintains of ) the company moralss and ( the ) moral criterions, hence supplying established guidelines and demands for a developed company. Through this, the company can be identified as a co ncern with good established leading qualities, taking by illustration and in bend supplying clear aims for all employees. This besides demonstrates to the employees the sense of teamwork and duty hence doing the workplace a more effectual environment for all workers and productiveness. ( which give the strongest for the full company and when the company seems to hold the strong leading they have the full aim to supply the strong service to the full people ) . When I combine theses three theories it will be explicating about the development of the followings values which suppose to supply the certain service holding the consistency of some authorization under the codification of ethic for the company value and norms. It is little completed to happen out what is right and incorrect with in the people holding the work in the company so it comes with the moral behaviour and the judgement of right and incorrect. So the sum-up of the whole full essay about the ethical behaviour is to keep the moral values and norms for the being of the company for the criterions along with the outstanding place of the company ( Minning & A ; Curtis, 2009 ) . If we go back for the traditional leading system it described most of the clip for the power holder by the CEO which we called more governments and seems like humdrum. Where people do non bask their rights and do non experience more democratic which takes the being of the company in bad repute. Meantime somewhat we can depict the ethic in spiritual manner where the account is on the footing of theistic apprehension which means what is the existent and good by the God shaping. The following cellar of the moral principle is based on scientific discipline where moral principle is understood by the Scientifics cogent evidence which are called as Secular ethic. If the leader fails to form the ends and aims because of the sum of the clip or some disjunction among the human relationship even though people find it is really difficult to forgive who is immoral and non ethical so those people are treated as non ethical and non respected and non trusted excessively. The value of the ethical lea ding is determine rightness and inappropriateness of all the values that have by the leaders even it is really of import for the success vision. If we see around the universe as a illustration of the good leading form the point of position of good moral and ethical manner I can advert the Mahatma Gandhi. The manner he treat to the people and the things he did for the people and state are regarded for public assistance to the people and state. The waies, memo and all the actions of the communicate take topographic point to the common quality, security, human relationship, which was really strong in him which took his leading to be a good leader. He used to show his life experience to clear up some of the combustion job which one of his good manner of clear uping to the job and the people. The leader who is honest, unselfish and dedicated to his action decidedly success his mission and aims which Mahatma Gandhi did and appreciated around the universe by his dedication to state and the people. The moralss and values come under the determination and policies doing where demand to be serious and secure which play really of import function for the future public presentation that lead the whole full people and the company in the succeeding ways. The forfeits of the clip, leader beliefs or values system will find personal and organisational success. So it is really safe to research the leader ‘s value system in the personally with organized manner. The followerss six moral values should hold a witting leader which regarded as moral moralss: Honesty is one of the really of import lesson values which come every portion of the personal behaviour and it relates where the leader attached for the public presentations. The leader should cognize himself or herself either he or she has honestness or non. When leader is pass oning to the followings or clients he or she should be Honesty. So this is indispensable quality as being the leader which keeps the moral ethical component for the good public presentation. Responsibility is another component which is uniting to the moral ethical value. A leader should be responsible for the whole company including concern activities and traffics with the employers, clients, keeping to the merchandise quality and so on which support to success the company ends and aims. The leaders duties are the illustrations to the components so the life of the leader on his duty which the leader make it and how did he do where the full people are traveling to follow.The leader might take the best and fit different so other thoughts for the resolution job which would be singular and noticeable by the full company and the people. Continuity is another quality of a leader as practician in existent life and the concern excessively in any company informal and formal. The leaders ‘ thoughts may non useful all the clip, when it seems like useless so leader does non hold to be frustrated. Leaderships should hold the continuity ability to carry through the nucleus mission of the company and leader. So one time the leader fails to pull the benefit for the company he or she should non go forth the leading. Consideration is another factor which appreciates to make the activities for the improvement of the company by the members if this cardinal point is in the head of the leader. If leader expect something making good organize the staffs so leader besides have to carry through some outlook of the client, clients, employers, commission and the community. In this instance the leader should hold the consideration capacity if the followings have done some incorrect reactions and actions excessively. The thought towards leaders ‘ signifier the follower is like really of import individual and knows everything because of the tonss of experience and survey. Because of this ground leader should come with the advanced thoughts brushs with different good public presentation to turn out that leader is good equipped with all the elements which can be described as Excellency. If leader comes any new thoughts with holding the slogan of the company improvement and their will be significance of holding slogan and anything making worth is deserving making. Devotion to the full profession is average to love to the work and walk to the destine finish where understanding and the committedness are the indispensable portion of the profession. Leading a company is challengeable occupation where certain promises and finding demand to make which assist to carry through the committedness and make the finish. To see the importance of the life as professional is person to love and lament to make the things. Dedication and devotedness are the elements to hold the involvement to the full work which comes from the committedness. So the committedness is really of import for the parts of ethical values and norms as a leader of the concern company. The above values should mind of by the leaders for the keeping excellence of the things to be done, be responsible for the promising things holding the considerations for the considerable things, maintaining the strict pattern for continuity and be committed as honest leader which is really of import moral ethic with values and norms ( Minning & A ; Curtis, 2009 ) . To pay the long tally away in the leading in concern by utilizing the ethical behaviour should truly hold to concern to the client, employees, stockholders and community. The demands of the clients particularly supplying the quality of the merchandise which can be stated by the art of the merchandise. The clean working environment, fairness judgement on the worker public presentation and organizing their potency to the employees by the leaders is seems on the ethical behaviour. Expecting the returns from the investings maintaining the same criterion of the growing within the concern and keeping the standard quality of the ethical behaviour for the well existences of full society. Codes of moralss are the elements of the tolerance in making the organisational plants and the intervention to the members of the organisation and the whole full society. The more you have the good moralss and values the more you can portion your thoughts clearly and that helps you to be better leader. The a bility to advance the moral and ethic behaviour by the leaders is to advance him as active and effectual leader to keep the certain end in concern.BibliographyGeorge Manning, K. C. ( 2007 ) . Ethic at work. In K. George, The art of Leadership ( pp. 120-136 ) . New York: Mc Graw-Hill. Manning, G. , & A ; Curtis, K. ( 2009 ) . behavior influences employee behavior and the organisation. In k. C. George Manning, The art of the leading ( pp. 92-121 ) . New York: Mc Graw-Hill. Minning, G. , & A ; Curtis, K. ( 2009 ) . Leadership Ethic. In K. C. George Manning, The Art of Leadership ( p. 92 ) . New York: McGraw-Hill.â€Å" Within the concern context, concerns are expected to hold good ethical values and move socially responsible. The job is that the moralss of a concern is a mixture of the single sets of moralss. This is why it is of import to hold good persons as employees. it is besides every bit of import that when you go to work someplace that you feel like you portion the values of those you work with. Ethic is non merely speaking about the right thing. It is making what is the right in every determination that is made. †Based on the above observation discuss the impact on society that ethical leaders can do.misbehavior ion of the moralss means losing the cost of societal and economic where ethical values and societal act play really of import function for the company economic position which determine by the determination of the ethical point of position. The regulations of the plants are described to the employees of the concern by the leaders where the thoughts are reflected for the clip being. The thoughts should be stated every bit clearly as the leader can with the few Numberss of points which should turn to to the members of the concern every bit to all by the implementing the ethical determination at work. When the concern runs with the certain ethical norms and values holding the codification of ethic which reference to all the related organic structures of the concern like governmental, employees, communicative environment, concern, production every bit good consumer and with their relation. From that reference the leaders have to recognize that at the terminal of the any production they will play the really of import function In different ways. The cardinal and direct impacting point by the ethical determination at work is the clients, employees, proprietors and the citizens who truly use the merchandises. The usage of the ethical determination is try to do happy all the constituencies, wholly devoted to the full intent of the concern, agreed to hold the learn in order to the acquiring new thoughts and have the alteration one. The determination should be all over the best whatever they do. The illustration of good ethical determination as I have got it from the large and celebrated organisation which is Telecom.Ltd.This organisation is good established and good service oriented aiming to the community and their day-to-day activities. They provide the map of the full community harmonizing to the demand of the people and they deal of the whole combustion issues at the average clip. The leader of this organisation is altering clip and once more and they are good trained. The staffs of this organisation are every bit handling on the footing of the ethical determination which is taking whole full organisation in the right place. We are holding tonss of the natural job around the universe like landslide, temblors, tsunamis, implosion therapy and so on, whenever these crises come they are ready to assist to the defected household, society and the countries by the different tools with finance besides which seems different ethical values and norms.That makes the criterion of th e organisation holding the beliefs and the committedness where the all the members of the organisation have the feeling of the fusion that brings the full community really strong and trust by implementing the ethical determination at the practical degree. Because of the with the codification of ethic and its values and norms Telecom.Ltd holding the societal and economical cost is really good which is the demand of the today ‘s organisation. They are socially responsible have a good ethical values which is lead by the leader who has mixture of the single sets of moralss. Every person employee has good relationship organize the ethical values and norms with leader. When they work they truly portion thoughts each other ‘s and they do non maintain on speaking and taking the ethic merely they truly implement in existent work which should be. Employees have the pride of their company with the quite fairness behaviour behind the defined demand of the occupation is the consequence of the moral principle at work in the work topographic point. The criterion of the life direction, trust, and the financially strongest are the dependant of the company ‘s success by utilizing the determination with ethical norms and values. The full clime of ethical environment can be stated by the. Higher clime is the higher fiscal positions which can be described by the best companies satisfy their societal and fiscal position. So there is the large impact in the society that ethical leader can do. The leader is the applied scientist of the company or the driver of the whole company. ( George Manning, 2007 )

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Beginning Thinker Essay

I would say that I am a beginning thinker, I have control of all of my own personal thoughts I know that I am not always correct most of the time during each step of the thought process but I feel that I have a really good understanding of how to fix some of the issues that I have when in thought. Although some of the conclusions that I come to either workout for the short-term or long-term issue or have a tendency to be the opposite of the outcome that I was hoping for. I sometimes catch myself making a quick decision without fully thinking through the whole concept or the outcome that it will have on the issue that I am working on. I think that I can fix this by not jumping to conclusions when I am in thought, having a system to make sure that I get to the best possible outcome is something that I think I will implement going forward just to make sure that the outcome for my decision is one that I will be happy with and not regret. Critical Thinking I would say that my current critical thinking skills could be a little better, mainly because I have a tendency to over think when I am trying to come to a resolution to a specific problem. My strategy mainly consists of me thinking about the different ways that I can get to the best outcome but I also have a tendency to throw in my own assumptions or bias when coming to a resolution, this is what I feel makes me to either make an incorrect decision or make a decision based off only what my own personal feelings are towards the situation. A way that I feel I can develop better skills as critical thinker is to take all bias out of my decisions and make sure that what I do is not only best for me but will also help me keep on a path to reach my ultimate goal.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Paper phil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Paper phil - Essay Example Hinduism also means the emergence of Vedas, in which the Upanishads were composed between the 7th and 3rd century and also it became a part of the Vedas. Buddhism was emerged as a part of Shramana movements, around the 5th century. â€Å"Hinduism has the belief of monotheistic (one God) as well as polytheistic (many Gods) elements: the one Supreme Being (Brahman) also exists simultaneously in the deities of the Creator (Brahma), the Reality or Sustainer (Vishnu) and the Destroyer (Shiva)† (Hinduism par.6). According to the Buddhism philosophy, there is no god which does not believe in the concept of god. â€Å"In fact, often those who scorn others, claiming some unconvincing excuse, are unable to look the target of their ridicule directly in the eye, perhaps because they see their ownselves there† (Ikeda & Nanda p.9). The reincarnation and ultimate salvation was taught by Buddhism and rejected Vedas of Hinduism. An important principle of Hinduism is the Law of Karma. It is the law of cause and effect in which each and every action should have a reaction, which will happen in the first life time or the next birth. Buddhism criticizes the religious value of sacrifice and giving importance to particular deities. Also they are denying Upanishads of Hinduism, where Upanishads contain the concept of one’s true self (atman) with the divine ground claimed that Individual’s existence does not have the quality of an imperishable, blissful self or atman. There are two great epics in Hinduism; they are Bhagavad Gita and Mahabharata which was composed in 6th and 7th century. Buddhism has the doctrines which were written in Pali –a canon text. Yoga is one of the important disciplines of Hinduism. Through Yoga, one can get a controlled body and mind. In Buddhism they have the concept for salvation which is depended on oneself and not to others. Traditional worship of God in Hinduism is known as pooja. There will be a pooja room in every Hindu’s house. â€Å"Hinduism is

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Understanding malaria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Understanding malaria - Essay Example In the year 2011, malaria has been the reason for 660,000 deaths worldwide, which laid the requirement of making further researches in relation to this particular field National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, â€Å"Understanding Malaria†). 1. Malaria can be defined as a disease or infection, which gets transmitted amid the individuals by an infested ‘female Anopheles mosquito’ through a bite or in certain cases through transfusion of blood. The disease gets spread through a cycle wherein a mosquito bites an infected person with malaria and sucks up human blood. Consequently, this particular disease gets sucked up by a mosquito along with the blood through which this parasite gets developed and multiplied within a mosquito. Subsequently, this parasite gets matured inside a mosquito within a period of 10-14 days after which it becomes ready to get passed among other individuals. Once an infected mosquito bites an individual who is completely fit and h ealthy, the parasites enters into blood that gets spread within a human liver wherein it multiplies and returns into the blood steam. This parasite gets multiplied 10 times within two days that completely results in destroying red blood cells (RBCs) along with contaminating new cells within the human body. There are four types of parasites involving ‘Plasmodium falciparum’, ‘Plasmodium vivax’, ‘ovale’ and ‘malariae’ that impose adverse effects on human life.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Management Information Systems IT Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Management Information Systems IT Project - Essay Example CRM greatly impacts the running and overall performance of a business. The most important effect of CRM is the reduction of costs. Effective management of customer relation has direct positive effects on the profits of the business and also increases customer loyalty. It also increases efficiency as the customer correspondence is channelized through technological means such as online services. Application of social business strategies may be used for enhancing the procedures of sales, services and other business aspects. The CRM users typically include the customers, the company employees who use it to communicate or collect information of customers and the general public who use it for general information purpose or potential customers. CRM facilitates each user with simplified and hassle-free solutions. A company employee finds it easy to categorize and classify the customers according to company parameters and priorities. This allows for better coordination and better accommodates the quality market (Anderson, Kristin & Kerr, pp. 18). The customer finds it comfortable to have a channel to communicate their concerns and issues to the company and a quick response usually translates into sales. For people in general, CRM provides the right tools for social analysis and allows for reaching the desired market in efficient manner and reduce redundancies. People also get attracted by the features provided by CRM and turn into potential future customers. The CRM strategy of implementing software and electronic communication means has eliminated the manual work to a bare minimum. The present day customer finds the web to be the easiest way of acquiring information. CRM caters for this tendency effectively. Features like customer services, helpdesk and online customer care representatives allow for more customers to be attracted to the business. The company also operates without fear of losing data as the use of cloud computing system allows for data backups to be

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Emergency Response Plan MOD 1 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Emergency Response Plan MOD 1 SLP - Essay Example All these are hot sports for fires and disasters and hence mitigation plans to prevent such disasters as well as plan on emergency response in case the fire disaster happens should be in the plan. California as a whole including this county is a very hot area and hence fires are likely to happen and when they do they are likely to spread faster and wider in a short period of time (White, T., Ariaratnam and Michael, 2012). Riverside County has been reported to have several hundred earthquakes and earth tremors this year alone. This therefore means that the area is liable to earthquake disasters of larger magnitude and the emergency response team should be prepared on ways to handle it. Earthquake is a natural disaster and hence there are no mitigation efforts and preparations that can be made. The only way to tackle such a disaster is to wait for it to occur so that rescue efforts can be put in place. Even though the area has never experienced an earthquake of higher magnitude to crippling and alarming levels according to richer scale, this does not mean that it should be ruled out as a disaster possibility. California is generally an area prone to earthquakes and even if the earthquake will not happen with the Riverside County, the effects of a huge earthquake can be passed to this county and hence strong response is necessary (Geschwind, 2001). Terrorism is a man-made emergency and disaster that is likely to happen in Riverside County similarly to any other place in the US what with the terrorism threats and activities already taking place in other locations in the country. This county is likely to be a target because of several reasons first being the fact that it has a military base known as March Air Reserve Base. The military has been an enemy of terrorists and hence are likely to attack the county as a way of retaliation. There is also an international airport where they can arrive from which is the Palm Springs International Airport.