Friday, February 21, 2020

Surrealism - beyond reality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Surrealism - beyond reality - Essay Example The essay "Surrealism - beyond reality" focuses on the surrealism movement. The content of pictures created by surrealists is also different. Being the most famous surrealist, Salvador Dali, created a perfect, even unbelievable photographic images of hidden feelings and desires of humans. Max Ernst is no less outstanding. He can be called a surrealist by nature as, being still a little child, he had a very special imagination that actually produced his future pictures. The pictures of artist’s imagination were very bright and, notwithstanding that many people preferred to hide such products of normally presented imagination, the artist considered it to be natural to give them a form of socially criticized piece of art. He drew forests, the favorite places of many people, but Ernst represented them specially, for him they represented a place of his hidden fears. Born in Paris, surrealism suddenly moved to Mexico and the USA. With such spread it influenced female painters greatl y. Women have very active imaginations by nature and at the same time their paintings were so dramatic. Surrealism as an art stated in the USA with Rosa Rolanda and Lee Miller. They are famous for using new techniques in photography. In contrast to male surrealists, female artists made an accent on the self-representation creating autobiographical pieces of art. Tere Arcq, the art critic said: â€Å"This genre became a form of representation ‘in which the artist is both subject and object and conceives of how she looks in the sense of how she sees.

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